ConfigMgr OSD – Strange Task Sequence Failures Solved

ConfigMgr OSD – Strange Task Sequence Failures Solved

We had reports from a customer this week about strange issues with their Configuration Manager OSD Task Sequences failing. The OSD seemed to work on most machines but a new batch of refurbished laptops would PXE boot but then would fail after the task sequence had been selected with a generic Microsoft error (you know […]

Change OSD Task Sequence Error Message Timeout Setting for Configuration Manager

Change OSD Task Sequence Error Message Timeout Setting for Configuration Manager

You may have noticed that if you get an error when deploying an image using OSD in Configuration Manager the machine will display that error for 15 minutes and then reboot the machine. If you are running an image at lunch break or even overnight, this is obviously not even time to get the log […]

Configuration Manager Report Query for Machine Count by Manufacturer

Configuration Manager Report Query for Machine Count by Manufacturer

If you want to report on the number of machines per manufacturer that you have within your Configuration Manager environment then you can run this query directly on your SQL database or you can use it to create a report within SSRS. How to create a Configuration Manager Report using SSRS The query is below […]

Configuration Manager Report Query for Server Name and Properties

Configuration Manager Report Query for Server Name and Properties

If you want to report on the server names and properties of those servers that you have within your Configuration Manager environment then you can run this query directly on your SQL database or you can use it to create a report within SSRS. How to create a Configuration Manager Report using SSRS The query […]

SCCM Report Query for Machine Make and Model Count

SCCM Report Query for Machine Make and Model Count

If you want to report on the number of certain makes and models of machines that you have within your Configuration Manager environment then you can run this query directly on your SQL database or you can use it to create a report within SSRS. How to create a Configuration Manager Report using SSRS SQL […]

Configuration Manager Report Query for Systems with Torrent Software Installed

Configuration Manager Report Query for Systems with Torrent Software Installed

If you want to check if any of the client machines within your Configuration Manager network have torrent software installed, you can run this query directly on your SQL database or you can use it to create a report within SSRS. How to create a Configuration Manager Report using SSRS The query is below and […]

Report Query for Package Distribution Status on Configuration Manager Distribution Points

Report Query for Package Distribution Status on Configuration Manager Distribution Points

If you want to check the distribution status on your Configuration Manager Distribution Points you can run this query directly on your SQL database or you can use it to create a report within SSRS. How to create a Configuration Manager Report using SSRS The query is below and can be altered to fit your […]

DP PXEBoot Speed Up Tool Released for Configuration Manager

DP PXEBoot Speed Up Tool Released for Configuration Manager

We are pleased to announce the release of our new small tool for Configuration Manager – DP PXEBoot Speed Up. This is a very simple and basic tool that allows you to make changes to your Configuration Manager Distribution Points registry settings to speed up the PXE booting process. For a long time now you […]

Configuration Manager Software Catalog – Standard Programs to add

Configuration Manager Software Catalog – Standard Programs to add

One of the great functions of Configuration Manager 2012 is the Software Catalog. This allows your users to become self-sufficient and stops them from pestering the IT Department every time they want the latest version of Java Client installed! So, apart from all your custom tools and programs, what should you have in your catalogue […]

ConfigMgr OSD Boot Image Problems with Dell Machines

ConfigMgr OSD Boot Image Problems with Dell Machines

With the recent release of Dell’s new laptop ranges, Configuration Manager OSD professionals face new challenges. We recently had issues with some of Dell’s new laptops not picking up the network after PXE boot even though we had gone through the normal process of adding the network card drivers to the boot image and ensuring […]

Configuration Manager SQL Query for Installed Software Per Machine & Per Collection

Configuration Manager SQL Query for Installed Software Per Machine & Per Collection

If you are using Configuration Manager, you will be aware that you can create a number of custom reports using the SQL data and SSRS to produce the reports. The best way to start to create a custom report is to ensure that you get your SQL query correct first. We have written hundreds of […]

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