WinRAR Uninstall using SCCM or silent command line

WinRAR Uninstall using SCCM or silent command line

This guide walks you through a straightforward method to automate the uninstallation of WinRAR using SCCM, assuming your clients have installed WinRAR in the default location. There’s no need to create a package; you can simply use a Program command line. Uninstall Command Use the following command to silently uninstall WinRAR: You can push this […]

SCCM WQL Collection Query for All WinRAR Installations

SCCM WQL Collection Query for All WinRAR Installations

To automate the process of identifying all systems with WinRAR installed, you can create a custom collection in SCCM using a WQL (WMI Query Language) query. This will allow SCCM to dynamically populate the collection with any machines that have WinRAR installed, making it easier to manage and deploy your uninstall script. WQL Collection Query […]

Best Free Zip Compression Tools

Best Free Zip Compression Tools

Back in the day, WinRAR used to be the master of Zip programs. Even though it was not actually free, everybody used it and just assumed it was for “personal” use, whether it was installed on work computers or not. WinRAR v WinZip WinRAR had a big advantage over the other popular zip program of […]

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