Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Fix

Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Fix

A simple utility that aims to help you fix the connection problems when you want to use the legacy fat Cisco VPN client on newer versions of Windows. By default, this legacy client is only compatible with Windows 7 and below – but our utility will allow it to run perfectly on newer operating systems. […]

How to Stop Spam Email: Protecting Your Inbox in the Digital Age

How to Stop Spam Email: Protecting Your Inbox in the Digital Age

Introduction: The Rising Threat of Spam Emails Spam emails are more than just a nuisance; they come with a cost, both in terms of time and potential threats to your online security. In this digital age, where our inboxes are flooded daily, the need to combat spam has become more critical than ever. This article […]

Best VPN extensions for Google Chrome

Best VPN extensions for Google Chrome

In this article, I want to review the best free VPN extensions for Google Chrome. It should be noted that some of the presented solutions are also suitable for other browsers. VPN is a technology that creates another, more secure connection on top of one. In this case, protection is provided by closing off access […]

How to Set Up a Router on a VPN?

How to Set Up a Router on a VPN?

Introduction The use of VPNs is a need for maintaining online anonymity, but having to keep your devices connected and disconnected can be annoying. An easier method exists. Your entire wireless network can be secured by joining your router to a VPN if you wish to hide your traffic from governments, internet service providers (ISPs), […]

3 Fastest VPNs That Work Efficiently For Remote Workers

3 Fastest VPNs That Work Efficiently For Remote Workers

After the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become a norm as more and more companies are encouraging their workers to work from the comfort of their homes. Remote work has enabled companies to continue operations during the difficult times of the pandemic. However, remote work has led to an increase in cybersecurity risks for companies […]

Why VPN Configuration Is Necessary?

Why VPN Configuration Is Necessary?

The US-CERT, a vital part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, classifies VPNs as a critical infrastructure device. These devices are considered critical infrastructure devices because they allow remote workers and mobile workers to access a network remotely and securely, from any location in the world with an internet connection. Virtual Private Networks encrypt […]

Four Remote Working Technologies and How to Master Them

Four Remote Working Technologies and How to Master Them

working would appear to be here to stay. After a most tumultuous year, workers across the world have become used to performing their tasks remotely from their bedrooms and their living rooms – and that means changing the technologies that they use to do their work. In this article, we’ll look at the four important […]

How to Protect Your Privacy With the Latest Technology

How to Protect Your Privacy With the Latest Technology

Living in the technology age has its perks, but with the development of new technology, come new ways for companies to track and access your data. If you know how to be smart and vigilant, you will be able to make choices that protect your data without having to go off the grid. There are […]

How to Stream Any Show Outside of the USA?

How to Stream Any Show Outside of the USA?

We all are big fans of Netflix, HBO, and other streaming services that provide us with the best content out there for the fairest prices. Less excited, but awesome service is Kodi that allows you to access music, movies, photos, and TV shows all at once. But what is important, all streaming services and any […]

Best free VPN browser extensions you need to know

Best free VPN browser extensions you need to know

Introduction With VPNs being as important as they are, there’s no shortage of options when it comes to your variety of choices. There are VPNs for phones, laptops, and even as in-browser extensions. Browser extensions enhance your online experience by adding on something new or previously lacking directly to the websites you visit. You can […]

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