SCCM – Find system by Last Logged on User Query

SCCM – Find system by Last Logged on User Query

If you need to find a machine for a particular user in your business using SCCM, one way you can do it is to use a custom query to find the machine that relates to the last logged on user. This means that you can run this query, it’ll prompt for a username, enter the […]

How to enable signed intranet updates using Group Policy

How to enable signed intranet updates using Group Policy

If you are using custom updates for things Java or Adobe updates via WSUS and SCUP, then you need to ensure that you enable signed intranet updates for all your client machines. The best way to do this is to use Group Policy. You should create a new Group Policy Object (GPO) and apply that […]

Blue screen of death (BSOD) after imaging to Windows XP

Blue screen of death (BSOD) after imaging to Windows XP

Like most businesses, we still have programs that rely on Windows XP to run. So, I built a Windows XP Professional image to push out to our slightly older machines where XP is needed to run these older programs. Once created, the image on some machines was working fine, but on some (mostly newer older […]

Adobe Updates via Windows Updates

Adobe Updates via Windows Updates

As you may have seen on some of my previous posts, you can update Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader X via Windows Updates using SCUP through WSUS/SCCM.  This stops the annoying pop-ups for users especially when they can’t install updates if they have not got local admin rights – just like standard Windows Updates, this […]

Install drivers by computer model using WMI query during SCCM OSD Task Sequence

Install drivers by computer model using WMI query during SCCM OSD Task Sequence

You can install drivers by computer model using a WMI script during the SCCM OSD task sequence. This means that when you deploy an image, the target machine will always get the full and correct drivers for the model, rather than getting mismatched drivers. This also speeds up the deployment process. To do this is very […]

Find the make and model name of a machine using WMI

Find the make and model name of a machine using WMI

UPDATE : Get WMI Query v1.6 Now Released You can use WMI for various things but one of its uses is for identifying the model name of a machine so that it can be later used for Configuration Manager OSD or maybe even for Group Policy WMI security. To find out the model name of a […]

Setting Computer Name automatically during OSD Process using SCCM and MDT

Setting Computer Name automatically during OSD Process using SCCM and MDT

We have been looking into getting our OSD process to automatically change the computer name to what we want it to be for a while now but never really had much luck with it. Reading various forums and blogs, many people have said to use WSNAME and many others saying use scripts, all of which […]

SCCM Task Sequence failed due to package associated to the task sequence cannot be found

SCCM Task Sequence failed due to package associated to the task sequence cannot be found

If you get an issue when trying to load a task sequence and you get the message that a package associated to the task sequence cannot be found, even when it looks like all packages are fully distributed, then you need to check out the SMSTSLog.log file that is on the machine that you are […]

Orchestrator Runbook for Email Notification for ConfigMgr Software Catalog Requests

Orchestrator Runbook for Email Notification for ConfigMgr Software Catalog Requests

I’ve had a number of requests about how I created our email notification for requests for software made via our ConfigMgr software catalog. The solution is very simple and very basic, but until I get our Service Manager up and running (which does the job much better..), this is working for us so hopefully will […]

SCCM Capture media in Windows x64 not working – FIX

SCCM Capture media in Windows x64 not working – FIX

We came across an issue today where the capture media (ISO) that we use to capture our newly created images would not load when running the TSMBAUTORUN.exe file from an explorer box. This was even more strange as it works fine for x86 versions of Windows. After some digging around, its to do with the […]

How to deploy certificates for custom WSUS updates to client machines

How to deploy certificates for custom WSUS updates to client machines

As per previous posts on the blog for custom updates using WSUS, you have to make sure that your environment is set up correctly to allow these custom (local) updates to install on client machines. To make this work, you need to export your WSUS/SCUP self-signed certificate and make sure it is applied to all […]

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