SCCM – Differences between Add Remove Programs Database Tables

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We had seen a few posts around the internet where people are asking the differences between the various Add_Remove_Programs data within the System Center Configuration Manager database.

So we thought we would post a quick reference here to confirm which table of data means what. There are five different tables of data available to you for Add Remove Programs, knowing on what information you want out of your database is the first step.

v_Add_Remove_Programs Combination of 32 and 64 bit programs data
v_GS_Add_Remove_Programs 32 bit programs data
v_GS_Add_Remove_Programs_64 64 bit programs data
v_HS_Add_Remove_Programs Historical 32 bit programs data
v_HS_Add_Remove_Programs_64 Historical 64 bit programs data

So the v_Add_Remove_Programs table is the one that would provide you with active data for both 32-bit and 64-bit programs, but you may want to choose to only have 32-bit data, in which case would be v_GS_Add_Remove_Programs table.

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SCCM – Differences between Add Remove Programs Database Tables

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