Facebook – Turn off game invitations and notifications

Facebook – Turn off game invitations and notifications

Are you fed up of receiving all of those annoying game requests on Facebook? Well there is a very simple fix to turn off the gaming notifications within your Facebook app. All you need to do is to go into your Facebook app and then click “More” in the bottom right. Then click on “Settings” […]

RSAT for Windows 10 1607

RSAT for Windows 10 1607

With the recent release of Windows 10 1607, system administrators may have noticed that their RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) have gone missing. Well this is by design (albeit Microsoft design!) and you can now download the RSAT for Windows 1607. To get the new RSAT software, just click the link below: RSAT for Windows 10 […]

Windows 7 – Checking for Updates Fix

Windows 7 – Checking for Updates Fix

If you are trying to run Windows Updates on your Windows 7 machine but it is seemingly stuck on “Checking for Updates” for hours, then there is a fix for it. You should download the Microsoft fix using the download button below and install this before trying to run the updates again. Download KB3135445 If […]

Remove Deny Permissions from Exchange Mailbox using Powershell

Remove Deny Permissions from Exchange Mailbox using Powershell

If you are an Exchange administrator and are having trouble in accessing other mailboxes although you have full access, then you may find that you need to remove the “Deny” permission on the mailbox you are trying to access. Sometimes this can be your own account or maybe a group like “Domain Admins”. To check […]

Facebook – Who has ignored your friend request?

Facebook – Who has ignored your friend request?

Have you ever added people on Facebook and never got a response back? Well, you can checkout all your historical friend requests and see who has completely ignored them! Just click the link below to see all the people who never clicked accept when they first got the friend request from you…. Facebook Friends Requests

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