News Release – Changes to TechyGeeksHome

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We have over time tried many different methods of improving our website by using many 3rd party tools and companies….all of which have failed miserably!

In the past we have tried to use “Paywithatweet” for our freeware downloads – this caused a lot of problems and our visitors hated it, so we quickly removed it.

We have also used “Bidvertiser” for our adverts on our site – this added a number of regular adverts to our website, most of which were completely inappropriate for our content (most people don’t want naked ladies on their screens when viewing technical websites at work!) and from what has been reported to us, tried to hack visitors browser settings and add malware to their machines – for this, we can only apologise – as soon as we were made aware of how big an issue this was, we removed all adverts using Bidvertiser from our website.

We also in the last few months added our own Freeware Directory for developers to upload their software to using PAD file technology and for our visitors to have somewhere to find a repository of software using our website. In truth, this was probably one of our better ideas however, the reality of it is somewhat different. We are bombarded with auto-robots loading PAD files to our website – at least 1000 a day and it has become completely impossible for us to manage and maintain. In addition to this, 99% of what is submitted is absolute junk and we do not want that for our visitors.

So today, we are announcing that we will be closing our Freeware Directory.

In relation to our own custom created freeware, we are currently using as our hosting mirror. The main reason for this is down to the huge amount of bandwidth that goes through our website. We have so far not had any complaints about this, so we will be leaving our freeware hosting with unless we hear differently from our visitors.

If you are not happy with having to download our freeware from then please post a comment at the bottom of this post and we will take this into consideration and look into whether we need to start hosting our files directly on our own web server.

You can also find our freeware all over the internet if you Google it due to freeware trawlers but our main mirrors are with: and have also taken up some of our freeware but you would have to search for it on their own websites as we do not have the links to hand!
So moving on to the future of TechyGeeksHome – we will continue to create technical guides wherever possible, even if 99% of our guides of not of any relevance for you, one might just be the one that saves your day!

We will continue to use comments for our comments system as we believe that this is by far the best system for leaving comments available to us at the moment.

We will also continue to update our current freeware and create new freeware when we feel the requirement to do so. Most of our freeware is just basic fixes and tools but you may find some of them very useful. We will also continue to post general updates and news on this site.
Our main focus is to provide our visitors with quality content and technical guides to help you by using our experience and knowledge. We are not here to make a profit (and we don’t!) so no more adverts will be added to this site so it is completely safe for you to browse!


If you have any comments about the above or even if you would like to become a guest writer for our website, please either leave a comment below or use our contact page to send us an email – we cannot pay you but you can use our platform to help others!

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News Release – Changes to TechyGeeksHome

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