Installing WSUS Console from the Software Center in SCCM [2019 Updated]

System Center Configuration Manager SCCM

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

You may wish to add the WSUS console to the Software Center in SCCM. This stops people logging onto WSUS servers and also provides quick and easy access to multiple WSUS servers. However, the installer requires a few setup parameters to make it work correctly.

Download WSUS Console

Windows Server Update Services Console 3.0 SP2 (WSUS)


The first thing that you will need to do is to download the WSUS installation files from the link above. You should then copy the installation files to your SCCM source location and create a new application in SCCM. Point your installation to the WSUS installation files and you will need to setup the following installation program parameters:

Installation program:

WusSetup.exe /q CONSOLE_INSTALL=1

Uninstall program:

WsusSetup.exe /u

Your installation program parameters should then look like this:

WSUS Console Parameters for SCCM Install
WSUS Console Parameters for SCCM Install

Detection Method

As this is a custom installation without using the simplicity of an MSI file, you will need to also setup the detection method for this application. To do this, you should setup your detection exactly like the image below:

WSUS Console Detection Rule for SCCM
WSUS Console Detection Rule for SCCM

You can then distribute and deploy this application where it is required.


If you have any questions about this guide, please post them below in the comments section.

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Installing WSUS Console from the Software Center in SCCM [2019 Updated]

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