Windows Movie Maker – Silent Unattended Installation

Windows Movie Maker - Silent Unattended Installation

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

If you want to install Windows Movie Maker silently, maybe for distribution using a system like Configuration Manager or Group Policy, then you can follow the guide below to do this.

First of all, you will need to download the offline installer from the download location below:


Then you can create to distribution package in Configuration Manager and the silent command line that you need to use is:

wlsetup-all.exe /AppSelect:MovieMaker /NOToolbarCEIP /NOhomepage /Nolaunch /NOMU /nosearch /q

These command parameters each mean the following:

  • /AppSelect:MovieMaker – install just the movie maker app from the installer
  • /NOToolbarCEIP – do not install the toolbar
  • /NOhomepage – do not change my homepage
  • /Nolaunch – do not launch the program on completion
  • /NOMU – do not run Windows Updates
  • /nosearch – do not change my default search engine
  • /q – run the installer silently

If you need a detection method for this, you can use the root executable file for Movie Maker which should sit in the %programfiles% location under the Photo Gallery folder.


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Windows Movie Maker – Silent Unattended Installation

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6 thoughts on “Windows Movie Maker – Silent Unattended Installation

  1. I found my answer regarding the user agreement …

    You also need to capture the registry entries under the HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows Live/Common 
    and deploy this with a GPO.  Otherwise your users (if not admin) will not be able to accept the terms.


  2. I found my answer regarding the user agreement …

    You also need to capture the registry entries under the HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows Live/Common 
    and deploy this with a GPO.  Otherwise your users (if not admin) will not be able to accept the terms.


  3. Great thanks.
    How can you hide the agreement that pops up on each users first run?

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