
iMacros AMF Twitter Like Script

iMacros AMF Twitter Like Script

Introduction As previously stated in some of our other guides for iMacro scripts, we are glad to now offer you this fully working iMacro script to use for Twitter likes for AddMeFast free points. If you use then you would probably like an up to date iMacro script to automate the gathering of free […]

iMacros Twitter Unfollow Script

iMacros Twitter Unfollow Script

Introduction If you are an avid Twitter user then you will probably be following a long list of accounts. But what happen’s if you want to unfollow of load of accounts without having to keep clicking on the Unfollow button? We used to be able to use Google Chrome Console to carry out this task […]

Twitter – Delete all Tweets, DM’s and Favourites

Twitter – Delete all Tweets, DM’s and Favourites

If you have a load of stuff on your Twitter and you fancy a clear out, there is a great utility available that you can use to connect to your Twitter account and then use to delete Tweets based on selected months (or just delete all), delete all DM’s and also Favourites. All you have […]

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