SCCM – Hardware and Client Version SQL Query


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If you are looking for a SQL query to pull back hardware inventory information and the SCCM client version, then you can use the below to pull all this information together.

S.Name0 as Name,
S.Client_Version0 as [Cient Version],
OS.Caption0 as [Operating System],
CS.Manufacturer0 as Manufacturer,
CS.Model0 as Model,
PR.Name0 as CPU,
SUM(PM.Capacity0) as Memory,
SUM(LD.Size0)as [Disc Size],
SUM(LD.FreeSpace0) as [Disc Free]
v_R_System S
join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS on S.ResourceID = OS.ResourceID
join v_GS_PHYSICAL_MEMORY PM on S.ResourceID = PM.ResourceID
join v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS on S.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID
join v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK LD on S.ResourceID = LD.ResourceID
join v_GS_PC_BIOS PB on S.ResourceID = PB.ResourceID
join v_GS_PROCESSOR PR on S.ResourceID = PR.ResourceID
WHERE LD.DeviceID0 = ‘C:’
BY S.ResourceID, S.Name0, S.Client_Version0, OS.Caption0, CS.Manufacturer0, CS.Model0, PB.SMBIOSBIOSVersion0, PR.Name0

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Our full range of SQL and WQL Collection queries are available here.


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SCCM – Hardware and Client Version SQL Query

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