Install Node.JS on Raspberry Pi

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

If you are using Raspbian Jessie on your Raspberry Pi then you may want to use Node.JS.

You can use Node.JS for a number of things one being running a Twitter Bot to automatically retweet, like or favourite tweets based on Twitter search queries.

To install Node.JS on your Raspberry Pi, simply follow the steps listed below.

Guide to Install Node.JS on Raspbian

Open a Terminal session by clicking on the icon on the taskbar:


This will open a Terminal session and you should then run the following commands this this order.

Update your version of Raspbian and all packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Download the required package:


Install the package:

sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb

Test the installation and Node version:

node -v

You will now have Node.JS installed on your Raspberry Pi and ready to start using it.

Check out our blog for other guides on the Raspberry Pi.


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