Social Media

How to Delete your Tumblr Blog or Account

How to Delete your Tumblr Blog or Account

Tumblr is a blogging and social networking site founded by David Karp way back in 2007, and it’s currently owned by Oat Inc. The service provides its users with the option to post multimedia and other content to their own personal blog. Users can follow other users’ blogs, comment and interact with them. Bloggers can […]

How to use a computer to upload to Instagram

How to use a computer to upload to Instagram

So Instagram is huge right now and for most of the time, most people will upload their selfies and other images using a mobile device like an iPhone or any other touch enabled device. However, what if you want to upload to Instagram directly from your desktop computer? Maybe you have images on your OneDrive […]

Twitter – Delete all Tweets, DM’s and Favourites

Twitter – Delete all Tweets, DM’s and Favourites

If you have a load of stuff on your Twitter and you fancy a clear out, there is a great utility available that you can use to connect to your Twitter account and then use to delete Tweets based on selected months (or just delete all), delete all DM’s and also Favourites. All you have […]

Facebook – Turn off game invitations and notifications

Facebook – Turn off game invitations and notifications

Are you fed up of receiving all of those annoying game requests on Facebook? Well there is a very simple fix to turn off the gaming notifications within your Facebook app. All you need to do is to go into your Facebook app and then click “More” in the bottom right. Then click on “Settings” […]

Facebook – Who has ignored your friend request?

Facebook – Who has ignored your friend request?

Have you ever added people on Facebook and never got a response back? Well, you can checkout all your historical friend requests and see who has completely ignored them! Just click the link below to see all the people who never clicked accept when they first got the friend request from you…. Facebook Friends Requests

How to remove connections on LinkedIn

How to remove connections on LinkedIn

Most professional people these days seem to have a LinkedIn account and it is very quickly turning into a marketing persons dream. I get a huge amount of sales and marketing people emailing and phoning me constantly trying to sell me stuff I nor my business want. Whenever I query where they got my details […]

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