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The below SQL query can be used against your SCCM database to return information about your servers. You can edit this query to bring back different information and also use it to create a report using SSRS.
This query by default brings back the following information:
- Server Name
- Server Make
- Server Model
- Server Operating System
- Architecture (x86 or x64)
- Server OS Installation Date
- Server Uptime (in hours)
- Last Server Reboot Date and Time
- Last Server Hardware Inventory
CPU.Name0 AS 'Server Name',
CPU.Manufacturer0 AS 'Make',
CPU.Model0 AS 'Model',
OS.Caption0 AS 'Operating System',
CPU.SystemType0 AS 'x86/x64',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), OS.InstallDate0, 101) AS 'Install Date',
DATEDIFF(HOUR, OS.LastBootUpTime0, ws.LastHWScan) AS 'Uptime (in Hrs)',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), OS.LastBootUpTime0, 100) AS 'Last Reboot Date/Time',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(26), WS.LastHWScan, 101) AS 'Last Hardware Inventory'
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_GS_Operating_System OS
ON WS.ResourceID = OS.ResourceID
ON CPU.ResourceID = OS.ResourceID
WHERE OS.Caption0 LIKE '%server%'
ORDER BY OS.LastBootUpTime0
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Server Information SQL Query for SCCM