Windows 10 Mobile – Release Date and Technical Preview Installation Guide

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

As you may have gathered after the launch of Windows 10 to computer devices last week, your smartphones and tablets have not updated to this latest version of operating system. This is because Windows 10 mobile does not come out until “later this year” – which is the official party line from Microsoft.

Rumour has it that the release date for Windows 10 mobile will be around November 2015 but no one has confirmed nor denied this as yet.
So, for now, you can install the Technical Preview of Windows 10 Mobile if you so wish by carrying out the following steps:
  1. Go to the app store on your mobile device and search for and install “Windows Insider”
  2. Once installed, launch the app and select the “Get Preview Builds” option
  3. You then need to enroll in the Insider program and select either “Fast” or “Slow” – fast being more buggy versions being released to your device but quicker, slow being less buggy but you have to wait a little longer
  4. Confirm your acceptance of allowing preview builds on your device
  5. Go to Settings on your device and then Updates and then Check for Updates
When you do this, it will find the preview release and you can then select to update your phone to this version.


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