We are Crowdfunding!


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

We have provided free technical guides to home and business users for over 6 years now. Over the last few years we have also branched out in to creating custom software for free. With a total of over 8 million hits in these 6 years, our small blog based site has become much bigger than we could have even imaged.

However, success comes with a high price tag. The hosting that we are using is basic and still the same from when we started out getting 10 hits a day if we were lucky. With the large amount of hits we are now getting, the hosting is simply not good enough as you can probably tell from the slow speed of our site. We need to invest in getting much better hosting but also new caching services, CDN, downloading management software and also we need to make the site more secure by purchasing a wildcard SSL certificate for our main site and all the sub-sites that run alongside it.

Our bandwidth has also gone through the roof as has the disk space we require. As an example of what we are currently using in terms of resource, see the list below:

  • 280GB of disk space
  • 2GB RAM server usage (constant on average)
  • 450GB of bandwidth usage per month

So, we are looking to try and raise funds to keep our website and software free and enable us to launch more free products and keep providing excellent user guides through Crowdfunding.

If you feel that you can help us out, please click the link below and donate if you can. Every penny counts so we are very grateful for any donation that you may be able to provide.

Donate to TechyGeeksHome CrowdFunding!

Thank you from the TechyGeeksHome Admin Team.

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We are Crowdfunding!

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