Update – Manchester Bombing


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

With the events of the last week, we have not been reading emails or posting anything on our site as you may have noticed. We are based and live in Manchester and it has been a truly shocking and upsetting week for our city and the people that live here.

Everyone will know the circumstances of what has happened in Manchester by now and we must move on and look forward and never let hate win. The way that everyone has pulled together and helped in any way that they can, be it giving blood, donating food and drink from local takeaways, free taxis, providing a place a stay for people left stranded or donating cash to help the families really does restore your faith in humanity.

22 innocent people, mostly women and children were killed, at the point of writing this post, 23 are still critical with “horrific” injuries.

Our site has a large amount of visitors each day which gives us the platform to try and help these victims. So we are asking that if you can, please make a donation, no matter how big or how small, to the British Red Cross and Manchester Evening News who are trying to raise £2,000,000 for the families. 

You can visit their JustGiving page by clicking the button below:

Donate to the British Red Cross Fund

If you make a donation, please leave us a comment below so that we can thank you personally and know ourselves that we have helped in some small way.

Thank you.

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Update – Manchester Bombing

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