How to Easily Secure A Website

How to Easily Secure A Website

To secure a website is a need of the hour. There is absolutely no reason for a website not to switch from HTTP to HTTPS. It protects a website from getting its data stolen by malicious third parties, plus, it boosts page rank in search engines. HTTPS is an extension of the usual HTTP address, […]

What’s the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS?

What’s the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS?

If you’ve spent any amount of time browsing the web, chances are that you’ve noticed that some URLs use the prefix of “https://” and others use “https://”. Though the presence or absence of the “s” may seem trivial, the security of information transferred to and from a URL is drastically different between the two prefixes. […]

How to Setup your Website with a free SSL Certificate

How to Setup your Website with a free SSL Certificate

Security is a must these days and if you have spent as much time as I have on your blog, then you want to ensure that it is safe for your visitors to come to you and submit information, safe in the knowledge that it is protected and secure. Also as a blogger, traffic is […]

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