PXE Boot problems during SCCM OSD

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Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

I recently have had some issues with machines not PXE booting for me to be able to deploy an image to new machines. I couldn’t quite figure it out as all of our worldwide sites were working perfectly and the office I was working at was also working in one part of the building but not the other.

I spoke to our networking guys and it turned out that the part of the building I was having an issue with was actually on a different DHCP range so the machines in that part of the building could not see the WDS server correctly and in turn, not PXE boot.

To fix this issue was fairly simple, I edited the DHCP settings for this part of the building and added the following settings:

  • Option 66 = FQDN of WDS (sccm.lab.local)
  • Option 67 = boot file (smsbootx86wdsnbp.com)

Having made this change, the machines now PXE boot without any problems.

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PXE Boot problems during SCCM OSD

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