Pantherbar brings text-selection context menu to Windows 10

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

When working on a Windows PC, one constantly marks individual words or sentences in order to insert them elsewhere. Not just to copy the text into any file, but to search the Internet, to research Wikipedia, to share it to a social network, and so on … there are countless use cases.

The “Pantherbar” app from the Microsoft Store was made to simplify these operations. As soon as you mark a text, the Pantherbar pops up and offers its services. For example, you can search the text with a click in Wikipedia or send it to an online translator.

By default, only a few actions are integrated, but you can choose from numerous extensions and expand the functionality significantly.


In addition, Pantherbar has a function for inserting phrases that are used regularly. These can be freely defined and inserted anywhere if required. Because it can sometimes be annoying, if Pantherbar starts immediately when marking text, you can also create a list of applications in which Pantherbar is not automatically active.

Pantherbar is available for free in the Windows 10 Store. The Pro Version that unlocks unlimited extensions and customizations costs 4,99$.

Windows Store Link

Official website with downloadable extensions

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Pantherbar brings text-selection context menu to Windows 10

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