Overwatch 2 Season 12: All Map Changes

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Overwatch 2 Season 12 has arrived. There are many map changes this time. These changes affect gameplay and strategy. Let’s break down what’s new and how it changes the game.

Overwatch 2 Season 12: All Map Changes 1

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King’s Row

King’s Row has a few adjustments. The developers tweaked certain areas. The first choke point is slightly wider now. This gives the attacking team more room to push through. The defending team can no longer hold this choke as easily. Another important change is the placement of health packs. Some packs have moved to more strategic spots. This will help players stay in fights longer without retreating too far.

The statue area near the first checkpoint has a bit more cover now. This gives Overwatch 2 attackers some breathing room. They can push forward without getting instantly picked off by snipers or turrets. These changes should make King’s Row more balanced, especially for Overwatch 2 attackers.


Dorado has undergone some major visual Overwatch 2 updates. The Overwatch 2 map looks much brighter. The lighting has been reworked. Some of the darker alleys now have more light, making it easier to spot enemies. But that’s not the only change.

The marketplace area near the first checkpoint has been slightly altered. The cover placement has changed, allowing defenders to hold different angles. Overwatch 2 Attackers will have to rethink their approach here. The second checkpoint also has a few tweaks. The cart path is a bit more open now, making it harder for Overwatch 2 defenders to hold a single spot for long periods.


Ilios has always been known for its high cliffs and boop potential. In Season 12, some of the cliffs have been reworked. They are slightly lower in a few places. This makes it harder for heroes like Lucio or Pharah to boop enemies off easily. The well in Ilios Well remains the same, though. Players will still need to be careful around it.

In addition to the cliffs, the health packs on this map have also been repositioned. Some are now in more contested areas. Teams will have to fight more to control them. This adds a new layer of strategy to the map.

Route 66

Route 66 has some interesting Overwatch 2 updates. The main change is in the final stretch. The last part of the map is now more open. This makes it tougher for defenders to set up a stronghold. Attackers have more paths to approach the final checkpoint. The train cars have been slightly repositioned. They no longer provide as much cover as they did before. Defenders will have to adapt to this.

There’s also a small change near the first checkpoint. The high ground area above the gas station has been reworked. It’s easier for Overwatch 2 attackers to take control of this high ground now. This might shift the balance in favor of the attacking team in some matches.


Junkertown has seen a few important changes as well. The biggest change is the removal of some of the clutter in the first section. The attacking team now has a clearer path to the first checkpoint. This reduces the number of hiding spots for defenders. Snipers will have to be more precise now. Another change is the increase in cover near the second checkpoint. The attacking team gets more protection here, making it harder for Overwatch 2 defenders to hold them off.

The final part of Junkertown has also been adjusted. The last stretch is slightly more narrow. This forces the teams into tighter fights. It’s a small change, but it will affect how teams set up in the final moments of the game.


Havana has been brightened up, similar to Dorado. The Overwatch 2 map feels more open now. The first section has seen a few changes. The cart path is slightly wider. This allows attackers to maneuver more easily. Defenders can no longer hold the narrow streets as easily as before. The windows and balconies on the buildings have also been adjusted. Some of them have been blocked off, reducing the number of angles defenders can use to pick off Overwatch 2 attackers.

The second checkpoint has received a similar treatment. It’s harder for defenders to hold the high ground for long periods. There are more routes for attackers to flank and take control. Havana should feel more balanced with these changes.


Nepal’s changes are more subtle but still impactful. The health packs have been repositioned. Some of them are now closer to the control points. This gives teams more access to healing without having to leave the fight for too long. The pillars and cover around the control points have been slightly adjusted. These changes should make the fights on Nepal more dynamic.

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Overwatch 2 Season 12: All Map Changes

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