Our 1000th Post!

TGH Word Cloud

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We are delighted to say that this post is our 1000th post to be published on TechyGeeksHome.

Just a few years ago we started this blog site as a place to store information for ourselves just as a reminder more than anything but as more people started to view our guides we pushed forward and started to post many more helpful tips, guides and news.

We then started to create some custom programs like Ultimate Settings Panel and then we really started taking things seriously with a new platform, site design and micro-sites.

Altogether now we have over 500k downloads of our various custom made freeware, 8 million page views, 40k newsletter signups, 7 microsites, 1 software directory and 1000 blog posts. As well as bring you discounted offers on gaming and daily free software giveaways from our partners.

Like most sites, we do get negative comments but we take those as constructive criticism (or ignore them as trolls!) and make changes where and when possible. We are not a big company working all day on our website, we are normal folk with normal full time jobs, family and kids to look after, just sharing information with the world.

We would like to thank our visitors for coming to our website and we truly hope that our guides and freeware help you out in any way possible.

As always, please feel free to leave us a comment below, be it positive or examples of how you would like us to improve our site and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks for reading.

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Our 1000th Post!

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