Orchestrator Not Showing Newly Created Folders or Runbooks

Missing SCORCH Runbooks

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

This is a re-post of a guide that we posted about two years ago, but this happened to us again this
week so thought it would be good to share again…

We ran into an issue where our newly created folders and runbooks in Orchestrator were not showing up in our SCCM (MDT) Execute Runbooks task sequence.

We started to run some checks and found out that these folders and runbooks were not showing up in Orchestrator Web Console either, although all previous ones were showing.

After much frustration, we came across a simple fix….

If you have this issue, login to your SQL server where your Orchestrator database sits and run the following query on the database:

TRUNCATE TABLE [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Internal].AuthorizationCache

Once you have run this query on your Orchestrator database, fresh your Web Console and if required, your Configuration Manager Console and you should now see all your newly created folders and runbooks.


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Orchestrator Not Showing Newly Created Folders or Runbooks

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