KB4099950 & KB4093113 – Yet More Faulty Windows Updates Released by Microsoft

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

A few days ago we posted here about two Microsoft updates that had been causing us a number of problems with our older Windows 7 machines.

We thought that we had resolved all of our issues in relation to these updates, but we have this week seen machines dropping off the network and ramdomly rebooting themselves when connecting to wireless networks.

Again, after much Googling and removing updates one by one, we finally came to the conclusion that two more Microsoft updates were also causing us problems with the same older Windows 7 machines.

Offending Updates

KB4099950 – Although it does look like an update has been released by Microsoft now but you will still have to remove the previous update under the same KB release.

KB4093113 – Not as much information out there about this one, but when we removed this on some machines, they started working again so may need a bit of trial and error on your own machines.

Do a bit of basic searching on the internet and you will find a load of people complaining about these two updates.

So, if you are still experiencing any weird issues with your machines, take a stab at removing these and see if it helps.

Removal Guide

If you need some guidance on what to do to remove these updates, be it on a single machine or mass corporation remove, take a look at this post as we have added some instructions towards the end of the post.


We would love to hear from you if you to are having any issues with these, or indeed any other, Microsoft Updates. Just leave us a message below in our comments section.

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KB4099950 & KB4093113 – Yet More Faulty Windows Updates Released by Microsoft

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