KB3035583 & KB2952664 – Windows Updates for Windows 7 SP1 – Pre-Req for Windows 10 Upgrade

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Following on from our post about forcing the Windows 10 update, we have had a few queries about the Windows 7 SP1 updates that you need to install before the Windows 10 update will start to download and install.

These updates are KB3035583 & KB2952664 and they should automatically be available to you through Windows Update. However, this is not always the case, so if you really want to speed things up, you can download them from our Downloads microsite by clicking the download button below:

KB3035583 & KB2952664 - Windows Updates for Windows 7 SP1 - Pre-Req for Windows 10 Upgrade 1

If you are still getting problems with the Windows 10 Upgrade Logo not appearing, you can now also download a script file from our Downloads microsite (using the download button above) which will trigger the machine evaluation process – however, this will only work if you have the pre-req Windows Update files loaded.

All you have to do is to download the 10.cmd file from our microsite and run it as an administrator (elevated command prompt) and this will trigger the evaluation. This can take up to 60 minutes to complete so give it time and allow it to complete without turning your machine off.

Once it is complete and assuming your machine has the correct Windows Updates applied and it meets the upgrade criteria, then you should be able to download and upgrade to Windows 10.


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KB3035583 & KB2952664 – Windows Updates for Windows 7 SP1 – Pre-Req for Windows 10 Upgrade

2 thoughts on “KB3035583 & KB2952664 – Windows Updates for Windows 7 SP1 – Pre-Req for Windows 10 Upgrade

  1. I am attempting to Upgrade Win 7 SP1 to Win 10. The message indicates Win 10 is reserved, but does download. I have determined that I do not have KB3035583 & KB2952664 installed. Win Update will not complete the two update installations normally.
    I have looked at your “downloads microsite”, but do not know how to download and install the script that appears when I click “view”. Can you clear this up for me?
    Win 10 may download after these two updates are installed, but if not, I understand that the “10.cmd” script would force the download. I presume your answer on the two updates scripts above would apply to the “10.cmd” script as well. Thanks for your consideration.

  2. I am attempting to Upgrade Win 7 SP1 to Win 10. The message indicates Win 10 is reserved, but does download. I have determined that I do not have KB3035583 & KB2952664 installed. Win Update will not complete the two update installations normally.
    I have looked at your “downloads microsite”, but do not know how to download and install the script that appears when I click “view”. Can you clear this up for me?
    Win 10 may download after these two updates are installed, but if not, I understand that the “10.cmd” script would force the download. I presume your answer on the two updates scripts above would apply to the “10.cmd” script as well. Thanks for your consideration.

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