How To Get The Most Out Of Your CRM Data


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A CRM system will not only streamline a business, but make it more efficient too. As with anything though, the benefits only come when a system is used properly, and while many businesses have ploughed funds and resources into CRM, they’re simply not getting out of it what they expected. The great news is that there are some ways to ensure you’re on the right track where CRM data is concerned.

One of our first tips relates to the CRM system itself. It’s vital that the personnel using it, not only understand it, but know how to use it effectively and efficiently. This comes through training and taking small steps forward. It’s also wise to listen to employees on how the system could perhaps be streamlined or altered to enable them to do a better job, helping to make life a lot less stressful all round. Making sure a solid foundation is in place is essential and one of the reasons for the success of the many companies, especially gaming entities like Intouch Games, who were actually named as Digital Business Of The Year 2018.

Once a CRM system is up and running and data is flowing, it’s vital to stay up to date on everything, from a customer’s address right through to their preferred method of contact. If any of the data on the CRM system is outdated or incorrect, it effectively renders it useless. Therefore having a knock-on effect with both the Sales and Marketing teams. Having the right information always is key and ensuring this is the case should be a priority.

Social media plays a huge role in the daily lives of so many people, thus it makes perfect sense to incorporate CRM in this area. It is a fantastic way to stay in touch with customers, and the great news is that most CRM systems out there will allow social media to be integrated without a hitch. Social media also presents a great opportunity for a company to know what’s being said about them, allowing them to comment when they feel necessary too.

Alongside the social media age, we now live in an era that is strictly mobile first. It’s estimated that up to a huge 75% of internet traffic is to be conducted through mobile devices, so it’s vital that a mobile CRM is enabled as a result. Mobile CRM will allow employees to work from wherever they are, whenever they like, which will improve their chances of not only closing sales, but potentially finding new opportunities.

Most systems around the world can be improved as time goes on and CRM systems are no different. Therefore, it’s vital that feedback is gathered on a regular basis to look at areas what could be improved on. Employees using the CRM system are the ones who will know what’s working, what isn’t, and what could be changed, so ensure there’s a feedback process in place to prevent any problems occurring.

By following our tips, you should be well on your way to success with CRM. It’s important to use a CRM system effectively to get what you need and want from it, but employing what we’ve said in this article, you should begin to notice positive results going forward.

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your CRM Data

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