Easy Steps to Hire HTML Developers in 2021

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Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

With its current set of elements and a huge range of APIs, HTML has become more complicated and hence the demand for HTML developers has risen. The days of HTML being synonymous with the use of a specific set of elements, tags, and attributes are long gone. HTML5 provides a developer with a plethora of potentially useful tools and APIs, which can cause current technologies to fall behind. HTML is widely used and has evolved into a more complex format than ever before. It is the developer’s ability to implement HTML concepts in real-time applications. Anyone who understands the fundamental concept is off to a good start.

Are you looking to hire skilled and experienced HTML developers for your project? Do you require a single web developer or a web development team? What is the scope of your project? As you can see, there are numerous questions to be answered as well as choices to be made. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t have all the answers yet. This article will walk you through the process of finding HTML developers for your project and completing it on time and on budget.

What is HTML?

It is the most widely used markup language for creating web pages. A markup language is a technique of separating markup from regular text in a digital document. This is the basis on which you can build websites.

You should always test some aspects of web development before hiring HTML developers.

I’ve compiled a list of skills required by your developer to create fantastic websites for your clients.

  1.  Creation of semantic markup by layout:

Web developers must build the information architecture of your pages and write precise, semantic, and expressive HTML markup based on a graphical layout.

  1. Export graphics and other parameters from PSD-layout:

The layout should provide you with all of the stylistic parameters you require, including font parameters, sizes and margins, shadow and rounding factors, and so on. You must also export all graphics in the best possible format and quality/weight ratio.

  1. Layout of text content of pages:

Excellent text site design, linking third-party fonts, preparing pages for working with a CMS, arrangement of streamlined elements (images, drop caps, frames), and fine-tuning typography are some of the duties of HTML developers.

  1. Layout of multilayer interface elements:

When developing your interface, focus on keeping your choices of interface elements consistent and predictable. Users have gotten familiar with elements operating in a certain way, whether they are aware of it or not, thus deciding to adopt such elements when appropriate will assist with task completion, efficiency, and satisfaction.

Sliders, pop-ups, modal windows, tooltips, sticky menus that scroll with the rest of the site, drop-down interface components, preloaders, and other multi-layered elements must all be typeset.

Easy steps to Hire HTML developers

I’ve compiled 5 simple steps for hiring a good HTML developer for small, medium, and large-scale web projects below.

  1. Identify your company’s problems

All web development projects are unique, and it’s difficult to narrow down on which HTML developers will best suit your needs without understanding the scope and goals of your project. To begin your search, you must first choose what type of web development project you require a developer for:

  • A basic web project is either creating a new website or incorporating new features into an existing one. A contact form, a CTA button, a new template design, a subscribe button, and so on are examples of these features.
  • The construction of static or dynamic web apps, online marketplaces, and other services that require integration of third-party services such as CRM, CMS, databases, chatbots, APIs, and others are all examples of medium web projects.
  • Large-scale online projects are those that require not just a variety of advanced technologies, but also integration with cloud hosting servers to store all of their user data, such as a video sharing social media app or social networks.
  • Other projects, because project scope and circumstances can differ.

2.   Select a working model:

You can choose from one of the following cooperative models, depending on the complexity and scope of your web development project:

  • The project-based model is popular with start-ups and established companies looking to complete a small web development project. A predefined scope of work and timeframes are included in this approach. In addition, the web development team is in charge of all project management and technological solution selection. HTML developers play a crucial role in this model.
  • dedicated team business model is ideal if you need to integrate complicated functions into your websites, such as cloud storage integration or AI Chabot creation, but wish to save time and money on social recruiting of in-house professionals. Controlling the project roadmap is something you may accomplish on your own or delegate to your dedicated web development team. In terms of project success duties, they are determined by the project management process. If the PM is on the customer’s side, they are in charge of the team.
  • The greatest choice for developing large projects while maintaining within the project’s budget is to use outstaff or an extended team. You’ll also need an in-house CTO and project manager for active collaboration, because with the outstaff model, you’ll be responsible for work assignments, progress management, and leading web developers from the technical management side. Customers bear all responsibility, validation, and control in this business model.
  1. Check the developer’s portfolio at an interview:

To carry out a check like this, you’ll need to ask questions such as:

  • How many individuals worked on the project with you; what role did you play in the programming team?
  • How did you test projects for coding flaws; how did you ensure information security, and so on?
  • If the portfolio is legitimate, the programmer will be able to tell you everything you need to know about any project you submit. Simultaneously, the amount of work done should not entice you and help you estimate HTML developer salary.
  1. Ask some technical questions to the developer:

The final stage of the interview can be a professional topic discussion. Ask HTML developers about Memory management,  recursion, multithreading; compilation, and so on.

After that, you can give them a coding assignment. Make a test taking into consideration the particular work that has to be done in your organization. Every programmer should have a good sense of intuition as well as a high level of intelligence. You can utilize inventiveness tasks to identify such qualities.

  1. Don’t forget about personal qualities:

Simply ask them a few questions that are frequently asked in interviews of candidates for non-technical professions to determine how friendly they are. Inquiring about their previous employment, for example, might help you determine how well a developer got along with coworkers. It is possible to teach programming, but it is practically impossible to teach personality.

However, don’t be too tough on applicants. Conduct an interview with a developer to find a truly useful person, rather than one who is “superhuman.” Then your search will be promptly concluded with success, and your company will continue to grow gradually.


Despite the high demand for HTML developers right now, finding a great one is entirely possible. If you follow these hiring tips, you’ll be able to find a new web developer in no time.

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Easy Steps to Hire HTML Developers in 2021

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