Choosing The Best CBD Oil Carriers For Your Needs


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

CBD can come in many different forms, from the ever-popular oil to something more innovative, like honey sticks. But whatever form it comes from, it is both legal (link: and effective to use. Unlike its counterpart—namely marijuana—it doesn’t land with other restricted drugs and substances in Schedule 1. Cannabidiol is Schedule 5, which means they are substances with little to no potential to cause addiction or dependence.

This is just one of the benefits of using CBD for your needs. You might think it does all the work in your body, but the truth is a handful of cannabinoids, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial elements combining to bring about CBD’s potential even more. These can be in the form of Carrier oils. Just as it is important to think about the quality of Cannabidiol, so should be the case with the type of carrier oil it has.

Knowing CBD And The Endocannabinoid System

Before we dive into the type of carrier oils for your CBD, it is imperative to know first about the main ingredient and how it is used in the body. CBD is short for Cannabidiol, and it is a compound found in cannabis plants. More specifically, it is harvested in Hemp more than any cannabis plant for its high phytocannabinoid and cannabidiol count and low THC amount. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the cannabinoid responsible for placing marijuana in schedule 1.

There are 112 other phytocannabinoids in the plant, all of which can enter the body and be metabolized, utilized, and benefitted from by the ECS. This system is made up of endocannabinoids (cannabinoids made by the body), phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids from the CBD products), and receptors.

These cannabinoids meet the receptors found all over the body and bring about the desired effects needed to maintain homeostasis. The reason why we still need these external phytocannabinoids, take a look at this to learn more. Despite having bodily-made ones are the different reactions, they evoke from the receptors and the body. They act more like multivitamins for the body’s added immune system boost, plus a handful of many other health benefits.

Therefore, whether you have depressive episodes, anxiety attacks, or insomnia, CBD can help stimulate much-needed relaxation and sleep through the CB1 receptors found in the nervous system. On the other hand, you can benefit from cannabidiol as a pain-reliever and anti-inflammatory if they stimulate the CB2 receptors, which reside in the peripheral system.

3 Top Carrier Oils For Your CBD Oils (Not In Order)

1. MCT

This type of carrier is formally known as Medium-chain Triglyceride and is usually derived from coconut or palm oil. Yep, you heard it right; this carrier is a beneficial fatty acid known for its fast absorption rate and a great partnership with highly potent CBD oils. It’s also known to be keto-friendly and comes with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Additionally, it tastes smooth and mild, though, with people who want a little kick with their CBD, this isn’t a great choice. It can also cause an upset stomach upon first use, but this is because of its high-fat content and will most likely go away on its own with continued use. The greatest downfall of this type of carrier oil is its processed state when it is used for the formula. MCT is usually processed upon use, which is a no-no for organic-loving customers.

2. Olive

Choosing The Best CBD Oil Carriers For Your Needs 1

Olive oil is one of the more popular choices and is revered for being very beneficial in Mediterranean cuisine. It has antioxidant properties and a lot more benefits that are researched even today. This choice is ideal for those who wish to have a familiar ingredient in their first CBD oil experience.

However, Olive has its own cons, like its disagreeable tastes. Compared to its counterparts, it has a strong, nutty flavor and has a longer absorption time than most.

3. Hemp Seed

Coming closer to its origin, Hemp seed is a carrier oil that many customers love due to the entourage effect it triggers. This phenomenon happens when one or more phytocannabinoids work together and enhance the effect of cannabidiol in the body.

The downside of this, however, is its taste, which is unnaturally sharp. It also has a lower bioavailability than other carriers and can often be used to pass off as CBD oil. As a customer, be wary and choose a reputable company for your products.

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Choosing The Best CBD Oil Carriers For Your Needs

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