Businesses Are Starting to Text Their Customers — Is This a Good Thing?

A man in a suit with a red tie stands in the foreground holding a smartphone, likely texting customers, while a woman sits at a cafe table in the background, looking at her own phone.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

“Commercial texting” has an odd ring to it, but the concept makes sense. Business owners can take advantage of text messaging to contact customers about deals, sales and other promotional items. Texting represents a simple way to stay in touch with customers. Why go through the complex hassles of costly marketing schemes when texting does a decent job? Not every business owner is sold on the notion that texting works, but don’t feel down on texting. Like most other marketing strategies, texting can be efficient with the right approach.

Increase Visibility

If a business doesn’t make its customers aware of its presence, sales figures aren’t likely to be impressive. Texting involves contacting people. If people acknowledge the text, they generally recognize the company behind the message. Once the company remains at the forefront of a customer’s mind, that individual might be more likely to make a purchase. Texts can boost the visibility of the company to potential customers.

The text messages should, however, be engaging and creative. Dull wording won’t stick out in anyone’s mind. Working with someone who understands the creative side of copywriting and messaging could be a wise strategic move.

Increase Accessibility

Telemarketers find themselves hung up on for a reason. People don’t like to receive unwanted phone calls. They sometimes don’t want to receive calls from anyone if the communication isn’t urgent. Text messages get information across more easily. Businesses may find sending out text messages to be a more appropriate method of contacting others. The notion is doubly true when contacting a large volume of people, but there’s a specific way to approach mass audiences.

Sending out bulk messages covers a lot of ground. While no one likes being part of a group text, text messaging marketing services get around this by sending individual texts to a designated group, avoiding accidentally irritating your target audience. Keep the audience thinking positively about the messages. If you do, people will continue to read them.

Employ Moderation

Don’t send out too many text messages too often. You will end up numbing your audience to the messages. You may also run the risk of your correspondence acquiring the label of “spam.” Ignoring or blocking messages becomes the standard response to spammers. Send out well-crafted messages with the right timing. Otherwise, the messages won’t do anything for your business.

Remember, the purpose of text messaging is to move sales. Don’t do anything that undermines the prime directive of text message marketing.

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Businesses Are Starting to Text Their Customers — Is This a Good Thing?

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