Active Directory Tools: Installation, Management, and Automation

Active Directory Tools

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Effective Management with Active Directory Tools

Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) remains a cornerstone for managing Active Directory (AD) environments on Windows Server 2022 or Windows 11 systems. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for installing, utilizing, and enhancing AD tools through Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), PowerShell, and integration with Azure AD. Designed for IT professionals overseeing domain operations or administrators new to AD, it offers precise instructions, practical management techniques, and automation strategies. From initial setup to advanced user administration, this resource equips you with the tools to maintain an efficient AD infrastructure.

Step 1: Install ADUC and RSAT

Server Installation: On Windows Server 2022, ADUC is included with the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) role. Launch Server Manager, select “Add Roles and Features,” and enable “Active Directory Domain Services”—this installs the necessary management tools. Once complete, access ADUC via C:\Windows\System32\dsa.msc or by searching “Active Directory Users and Computers” in the Start menu.

Client Installation: For Windows 11 Professional, install RSAT using PowerShell with administrative privileges:

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~

Alternatively, navigate to Settings > Apps > Optional Features, search for “RSAT: Active Directory Domain Services and Lightweight Directory Tools,” and click Install—approximately 2-5 minutes. Launch with dsa.msc.

Verification: Confirm installation by running:

Get-WindowsCapability -Name *RSAT* -Online

Look for “State: Installed” next to the AD tools entry.

Step 2: Manage with ADUC

Core Functions: Open ADUC (dsa.msc) and connect to your domain (e.g., “domain.local”). To create a user, right-click the domain or an Organizational Unit (OU), select New > User, and enter details such as Full Name and User Logon Name (e.g., “jdoe”). Assign a secure password and organize users by dragging them into appropriate OUs, such as “Employees.”

Group Management: To create a group, right-click an OU, choose New > Group, and specify a name (e.g., “ITAdmins”), Group Scope (Global), and Group Type (Security). Add members via the “Members” tab by searching or selecting users.

Search Capabilities: Use the “Find” feature (magnifying glass icon) to locate objects—set the scope to the entire domain and search by name, type, or attribute for efficient navigation.

Step 3: Enhance with PowerShell

Module Activation: In PowerShell 7.4 with administrative rights:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

User Creation: Add a user with detailed attributes:

New-ADUser -Name "Jane Doe" -GivenName "Jane" -Surname "Doe" -SamAccountName "jdoe" -UserPrincipalName "jdoe@domain.local" -Path "OU=Employees,DC=domain,DC=local" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "P@ssw0rd123" -AsPlainText -Force) -Enabled $true

Group Assignment: Add the user to a group:

Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "ITAdmins" -Members "jdoe"

User Search: Retrieve user details:

Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -like "Jane*"} -Properties Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate

Step 4: Integrate Modern Features

Azure AD Synchronization: Install Azure AD Connect on a Server 2022 machine. Launch the tool, sign into your Entra ID tenant, and configure synchronization—opt for full sync or filter by OUs. Initial setup takes approximately 15 minutes. Verify synced users in the Azure portal under Entra ID > Users.

AD Administrative Center: Access the Active Directory Administrative Center (dsac.exe) for a streamlined interface. Use it to create users, reset passwords, or manage the domain structure with a more intuitive layout compared to ADUC.

Step 5: Address Issues

Missing Tools: If RSAT tools are unavailable, reinstall:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-Tools -IncludeAllSubFeature

Connection Failure: Test connectivity to the domain controller:

Test-Connection -ComputerName "DC01" -Count 4

If unsuccessful, verify DNS settings with nslookup domain.local or check credentials.

Missing User: Locate a user:

Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq "jdoe"} -SearchBase "DC=domain,DC=local"

If not found, inspect the AD Recycle Bin:

Get-ADObject -Filter {Deleted -eq $true}

Best Practices

  • Organize with OUs: Structure users and groups within OUs to maintain order and simplify management.
  • Automate Tasks: Use CSV files for bulk operations:
    Import-Csv "users.csv" | ForEach-Object { New-ADUser -Name $_.Name -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Path $_.OU -Enabled $true }
  • Secure Backups: Perform weekly AD backups using ntdsutil to safeguard against domain controller failures.
  • Restrict Access: Limit ADUC usage to administrators via Group Policy to enhance security.


Q: Can ADUC be installed on Windows Home editions?
A: No, ADUC requires Professional or Server editions.

Q: Should I use PowerShell or ADUC?
A: ADUC offers a graphical interface for manual tasks, while PowerShell excels at bulk operations—leverage both as needed.

Q: Is Azure AD replacing on-premises AD?
A: Not currently; hybrid configurations remain prevalent for integrating on-premises and cloud environments.

Q: How do I recover a deleted user?
A: Enable the AD Recycle Bin:

Enable-ADOptionalFeature -Identity "Recycle Bin Feature" -Scope ForestOrConfigurationSet -Target "domain.local"

Then restore with appropriate cmdlets.


  • ADUC: Active Directory Users and Computers—the primary graphical tool for AD management.
  • RSAT: Remote Server Administration Tools—enables AD management from client devices.
  • ADAC: Active Directory Administrative Center—a modern alternative to ADUC with enhanced usability.
  • OU: Organizational Unit—a container for organizing AD objects.

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Active Directory Tools: Installation, Management, and Automation

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