MacBook Pro is not charging | Ways to solve the problem

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The MacBook Pro is an excellent option for work and creative tasks, but even such a device can experience functional problems. Users identify several types of malfunctions. One of the main issues is that the MacBook Pro is not charging.

If you are faced with this, you don’t have to worry; in most cases, you can solve everything quickly and easily. And even if it is a severe breakdown, our article will tell you how you can fix it.

MacBook Pro is not charging | Ways to solve the problem 1

Why is my MacBook Pro not charging when plugged in

When researching the causes of the malfunction, you may encounter a variety of factors that prevent your device from charging. These can range from hardware failures to software bugs. Oddly enough, there are cases when the MacBook Pro battery is not charging at the same time due to software and hardware issues.

But before we dive into the abyss, let’s check out the easiest and most common solutions. Below is a checklist that helps in most cases:

  1. Check the charging wire. You could flip it 180 degrees around its axis and plug it into the MacBook Pro. Or use a different cord.
  2. Examine the reliability of the charging adapter. This accessory has two components: the power supply and the plug to the power outlet. Try removing the plug and reinserting it into the power supply.
  3. Clean the charging interface. The MacBook Pro battery is not charging via USB-C because the connector is clogged with dirt, dust, and other small particles. The contacts do not close, and charging is not activated. The same option is possible when you connect MagSafe.
  4. Make sure the battery is fine. Click on the battery icon and see if it needs maintenance.

Finally, you can plug the charging adapter into a different socket. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s a common reason why your MacBook Pro doesn’t charge when plugged in.

Software problems with charging

Since Apple products are the quintessential interaction of software and hardware, it can happen that the laptop doesn’t charge due to system limitations. Here are two standard options:

  • Using optimized charging. Mac OS activates a feature that stops the charging process at 80 percent and resumes an hour before you would typically unplug the device from the power adapter.
  • Overheat protection. If the temperature on the board or battery exceeds acceptable limits, charging stops to allow your MacBook to cool faster.

You should go into the battery settings and disable the feature in the former case. If your MacBook Pro is not charging due to overheating, remove the protective case and keyboard cover, place the device on a flat surface, and wait until the gadget is cool.

Why is my Macbook Pro not charging: SMC and NVRAM errors

There are two components in Apple laptops that can affect charging performance. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

  1. SMC. It is a system management controller. This chip holds important low-level process data, including battery information. If the data is corrupted, the system can shut down components, causing the MacBook Pro battery not charging.
  2. NVRAM is non-volatile RAM. It works all the time, even if your device is turned off. This component stores the log of the most recent critical system errors. If the system reads such an error, it identifies it as the real problem. Therefore, the Mac OS may think that the battery is fully charged or fully discharged, which becomes a problem for charging your device.

What can you do ? A reset of SMC or NVRAM is enough. There are specific ways for different device revisions, so it’s worth visiting the Apple website to find out how to do it.

MacBook Pro is not charging due to a hardware failure

The most frustrating reason why the battery is not charging in MacBook Pro is due to faulty parts. It could be a malfunctioning connector, charge controller, failed battery, or damage to other components on the logic board.

If you’ve been charging the device with non-certified accessories or moisture has gotten inside, you may encounter unforeseen results. For example, MacBook Pro is charging but not turning on. In this case, you can contact the Apple Service Center. However, this option may only work for some.

You can count on a free repair if the company determines your case as a warranty. Things are much more complicated when your device is no longer under warranty or is not registered in the AppleCare program.

Since Apple has a high price for out-of-warranty service, you’ll have to pay between $700 and $1500 for repairs plus an additional $100–$300 for labor. If you disagree with this price, you can repair the device yourself.

The web is full of guides on how to repair your MacBook Pro. Moreover, Apple has posted detailed instructions on disassembling and repairing laptops. The manual specifies the necessary tools and consumables to replace parts quickly and efficiently.

Where can I purchase parts for MacBook Pro

The only problem you may encounter is where to get Macbook Pro parts. Only some services provide quality parts that comply with reuse and resale requirements. is a verified supplier that tests the components before they go on sale.

The company’s main advantage is that you can find parts for devices manufactured eight years ago. Both original logic boards, MagSafe batteries and connectors are available. You can also buy power cords for your adapter.

If your MacBook isn’t charging, you can solve most problems without going to the service. And even if you have to replace parts, you can save a lot of money and get your device back up and running.

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MacBook Pro is not charging | Ways to solve the problem

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