Which Are the Top Programming Languages for You to Learn Next Year?

female software engineer coding on computer

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The world around us is going through a great upheaval with the Covid-19 pandemic rendering land based meeting almost impossible. During these trying times, people from all over the world turned to technology and the advancements have been plenty and frequent enough to aid us in this digital makeover, or should I say, takeover? There is a great demand for computer scientists and computer programming experts today and the demand is only going to increase as the years go by, with more and more revolutionising being the need of the hour, so much so that it makes you believe that the virtual world is in fact almost real.

The word Computer Science brings with it several connotations because it is such a vast field to work with. This wide area of study however has a host of subfields, all of which need various kinds of professionals with different levels and kinds of programming skills, specialisations and tasks. But one thing is common across this diverse spectrum-what is that, you ask? Well, it is indeed programming, because no matter where in Computer Science you eke out a space for yourself, you need to know a fair amount of computer programming skills and languages. Programming is your tool and you are the master blacksmith who will use it to create functioning codes and add or take away features. Maybe you will be ready to display an online betting app that you designed yourself soon!

The number of programming languages has reached the three digit mark in 2021 and with such a variety available, it must be a question to you as to which one you should invest your time in next year. So, buckle up and scroll down to get an idea of the top programming languages that you can learn and master next year, provided you want to develop a career in Computer Science.

  1. Python: At the very top of the spectrum is this programming language that every computer programmer must have in their selection of languages. The syntax is easy to learn and pretty good even for beginners who are just entering the world of coding. Python is a dynamic language which will provide you an excellent advantage if you want to enter Computer Science fields such as Machine Learning, AI, Deep Learning and so on. It is also good for back-end website and application development. It is also an excellent language in data analysis, used by both top level companies and by startups, so with Python in your hand, jobs will come for you.
  2. JavaScript: Yes, another well known and absolutely important language to learn and master, Java is a standard in almost all website building and is very versatile. Even the buttons that open pop-ups on websites are Java magic. So, you know how important it is for any aspiring programmer to know Java. It is also the basic language used in certain web frameworks like Vue, Node and React. For multi programmers, JavaScript is essential because with it, you can work on both the server-side and the client-side of a website.

So, go ahead and search up online courses available at CodeGym, Codeacademy and so on to get the best taste of the world of coding.

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Which Are the Top Programming Languages for You to Learn Next Year?

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