Protect Your Digital Self in a Few Minutes a Day

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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

You’ve probably heard the adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment”. It’s as ancient as time, but it still holds today. And never before has an ounce of prevention been more vital than when it comes to protecting one’s digital self on the internet.

There are hackers, fraudsters, catfishers, and others lurking on the internet, waiting for you to make a small mistake before stealing your identity, bank information, and, eventually, your money.

The good news is that there are certain things you can do to secure your digital self in as little as a few minutes each day. They aren’t tricky or technically challenging to execute. However, if you do, you’ll be doing yourself a significant good with that “ounce of protection” that will make you safe and secure.

You can protect yourself by taking easy and careful measures in just a few minutes every day:

Limit the data you share online.

If you’re frequently posting updates on your social platforms, it’s time to be cautious. Even if you have a mediocre social media presence, there are several additional ways you might be oversharing confidential info. Loyalty cards, shopping cards, and free newsletters, for instance, may all collect information and track user actions. As a result, it is essential to scrutinize what you share online.

Be sure to activate privacy settings.

Most people do not use the privacy settings available to secure their personal information to its full potential. However, most social media accounts, e-commerce profiles, applications, and smartphones include privacy settings. These can aid in data visibility management and preventing illegal data tracking, gathering, and sharing.

Always clear up your browser history and cache.

Your browser saves a massive quantity of information about your online activity, from search queries to pages visited. As a result, cleaning browser history and cached data are critical for your cybersecurity. You could also prevent websites from tracking your online activities by removing cookies. Browsers such as Google also allow you to schedule and auto-delete saved data, saving you the time and effort of manually doing it.

You have to know your rights.

It is also crucial to know your data privacy rights. If you believe a specific data request is inappropriate, do not be afraid to ask its purpose. You can also decline to provide information if you are dissatisfied with the data collection, storage, or sharing policies. Data privacy policies are quickly evolving, so make sure you stay up to speed on any updates.

Avoid visiting suspicious websites.

To target you for identity theft and financial frauds, malicious actors would often use fake websites or compromise genuine ones with ransomware. For instance, they may send you to a rogue website impersonating a well-known online store. Then, when you pay for an item, they could be able to retrieve your personal information and credit card information. So, whether you’re purchasing anything online or downloading a free training course, stick to reputable websites and avoid shady ones.

Practice Regular Cloud Data BackUp.

While most folks still use external hard drives to save their data, a growing number of people are turning to cloud backups. All you have to do is upload your files and data to the cloud, where it is encrypted and password secured.

This implies that you can still have access to your files in the event of a system breach by way of ransomware or other computer crash scenarios. SOS Online Backup, Acronis, and iDrive are among the best cloud backup services.

Be sure to update your passwords constantly.

Using repetitive passwords is a danger lurking to hunt you when you least expect it. Rather than using only one type of password across all your accounts, you should try out google password suggestions, and then use software like Keeper to store all your passwords. What Keeper password manager does is it automatically updates and protects your accounts.

Always look out for email phishing scams.

Emails have become a necessary form of communication for both professional and personal purposes. However, they are also one of the most popular ways to launch phishing and malware assaults. Hackers frequently use sophisticated technologies to imitate legitimate businesses through email to prey on unsuspecting victims. Today, emails are the most common way for malware to spread, accounting for 92.4 percent of all identified cases.

As a result, be wary of any demands for money or personal information. Before downloading email attachments, scan them for malware and avoid clicking on shared links. If you suspect phishing, type the sender’s name into Nuwber to confirm their identity.

Be sure always to use a secure and reliable VPN.

Did you realize that third parties might be watching your every move when you connect to the internet? A VPN, on the other hand, can help secure your online activity and prevent unnecessary surveillance. This is not to imply that they are entirely impregnable. Some have been subjected to data breaches, while others have been accused of monitoring user data. As a result, choose a VPN service with solid security features and privacy standards.

Always make use of 2FA.

As the name implies, two-factor authentication requires you to verify yourself twice, generally using two separate devices. To log in to your account, for instance, the website will send a code to your phone once you input your password. Furthermore, inputting this code into the web page will grant you access to your account. This extra step will only take a few moments, but it may give you a different level of protection.


With our society’s interconnectedness and digital integration, you could be compromising your privacy and security even when you are not connected to the internet. As a result, if you want to secure your digital self, you should prioritize security sanitation. For example, to avoid frequent frauds, improve password security and adopt a cautious response to emails. In addition, install a VPN, maintain all software up to current, and uninstall any unnecessary applications. Also, clear your browser history, enable privacy settings, avoid untrusted websites, and restrict the information you provide online. Finally, understand your data protection rights and stay up to speed on data security and privacy standards.

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Protect Your Digital Self in a Few Minutes a Day

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