The Mobile Marketplace: How To Keep Ahead in 2019

Mobile Phone Apps

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The smartphone has become one of the major world technologies and has affected lives in an unparalleled way. From our private lives to work, the mobile phone has been incredibly disruptive, and that means that businesses were relatively slow to recognize the full benefits of smartphone technology.

The race to get more profits, more customers, and more brand awareness using nothing more than a smartphone has been continuous for the last few years, with some companies performing better than others. If you want to make more of your business, then it’s time to start looking deeper into how to get more of the full potential of the mobile marketplace.

Vital Site Search

It can be very difficult to browse through thousands of product pages on even the largest smartphone screen. Most brands with a well-built website should have already put a large focus on improving site search efficiency, but if you fail to do the same with your m-store in mind, then you could be falling behind.

Having an intelligent site search function does a lot more than just make it easier for consumers to find what they are looking for; it also makes it easier for them to buy. That can only yield positives for your bottom line.

If you want to keep ahead in 2019, then you need to start thinking about the mobile navigation of your site. Focus on making it easier for consumers to find what they are looking for, no matter how large or small their phone might be.

Smartphone Security

One of the big barriers to making a sale online is if a customer doesn’t trust your brand to hold their data. With cybercrime a consistent presence in the news, it’s no wonder that security has become a priority for both consumers and businesses. As well as making use of the most common security boosts, the newest technology for businesses to look closer at is the blockchain. This is proving to be a potential game-changer for businesses, as it can transform the way that you store data. Business blockchain technology should always help business’ productivity. There are even e- shop apps like Sessia, which are blurring the line between e-commerce, m-commerce, and social media.

Easy Communication

The mobile phone has made it easier than ever to communicate with whoever you want. The big names are obviously Facebook Messenger, Instagram Chat, WhatsApp, and Signal. It’s no surprise that forward-thinking companies are now using those channels to communicate with their customers.

WhatsApp marketing has been a big trend in 2019, but it’s always worth using basic Facebook Messenger to have easier conversations with your customers. With 1.3 billion users and 20 billion messages being sent between businesses and people every month, any business not using Messenger is missing out. Allowing your clients to order a product, track their order, and even receive future marketing messages, all from the same messaging channel is both useful for customers and an effective means of building on brand loyalty.

There’s no disputing the fact that the smartphone has changed the world. Any business that fails to take advantage of the benefits of the mobile marketplace is set to fall behind its competitors.

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The Mobile Marketplace: How To Keep Ahead in 2019

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