5 Mistakes to Avoid with DevOps

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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In the world of digital transformation, DevOps is becoming an increasingly prevalent figure. Its focus on concepts and tools has helped teams to deploy code much faster and with greater overall success.

With that said, DevOps is only beneficial to an organisation if it is done correctly. You have to keep in mind various points before you jump onto the DevOps bandwagon; otherwise, the culture change will ultimately be an ineffective one.

To ensure DevOps is successfully incorporated into your company, here are five mistakes to avoid:

1. Not incorporating security from the beginning

In a standard approach to DevOps, security is typically left until the end. However, when this is done, development tends to be decelerated significantly – especially if any significant security issues are discovered that need to be rectified.

This is why DevSecOps is recommended. In essence, this is DevOps, just with a greater emphasis on security practices. Security is built-in from the beginning, which means that it features in everything from the design to deployment stages. The result: projects are quicker to complete and ultimately more secure.

2. Using too many tools

When it comes to implementing the DevOps initiative, there are many tools you can use. This is great news because agile software development, deployment, version control, etc., all require the right tools.

However, it is vital you don’t attempt to use every available tool. If each team begins using specific tools for their DevOps work that differentiates from other teams in your organisation, this will make collaboration difficult. Ensure you stick with a set selection of tools across your company to prevent this type of issue.

3. Focus on speed rather than quality

One of the main reasons an organisation adopts DevOps is how much time it can save when developing and deploying new application codes. Nevertheless, you never want to sacrifice too much speed, especially when it comes to your apps’ overall quality.

In the same way as security measures, as mentioned in point 1, you should conduct regular testing from the start to ensure that quality levels remain high throughout.

4. Oversimplification

As highlighted multiple times already, the implementation of DevOps helps your organisation significantly. Yet the methodology of DevOps is a complex one; make no mistake. This means you cannot try and oversimplify the entire process.

As a result, avoid taking a shortcut by hiring a DevOps engineer or creating an isolated DevOps department. DevOps requires a full cultural overhaul. This means it needs to be incorporated across your organisation’s departments, and your current employees need training about new processes.

5. Erroneous architecture evaluation

The right architectural support is required for DevOps. Even when you utilise automation, there’s no value in this if the deployment of apps is longer than usual. This is why the right architecture is imperative. When it is loosely coupled, where developers are given flexibility and freedom to independently deploy aspects of the system, they have the right architecture that maximises deployment.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid with DevOps

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