4 ways to find info about a person?


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Want to figure out about a person? But not sure how to do so? If your answer is yes, then I am here to help you out.

There are quite a lot of reasons why you may want to find information about a person. Maybe you are just looking for an old friend online, looking for past relationship details of your spouse, and so on.

However, in this world of the internet, getting details of anyone or anything has become extremely easy. Like, you can go to social media websites, use people search engines, and so on.

Anyway, to help you out, I will share four ways to find info about a person. So here we go:

4 Ways To Find Info About A Person:

One of the first things that you should do is run a Google search. Google has almost every information one is looking for. By searching the person’s name, you may find social media information, news and other details.

However, the thing with Google search is that it does not really offer you much information. As it sees the name as a search query and results, it will bring up all the available information associated with the information.

There is no filters to set location or anything. But still, it is an excellent place to start.

Use Cityzor

The next thing that you can check out is Cityzor. It is one of the best ways to find information about someone online.

Cityzor.com is a people search engine that lets you find information about people. Getting started with the website is also absolutely free and comes with some great features like person search, reverse address lookup, and even free phone number lookup

With the help of this website, you will quickly find the information you are looking for. Also, it keeps all your searches private and completely confidential.

Moreover, the website is also backed by 20 billion available public records. So you can be sure that you will get the right information without looking much.

Check Social Media Websites

These days everyone is available on social media websites, and there is no doubt in that. According to a survey, around 77 percent of people in the United States have at least one social media platform.

Also, different social media platforms exist, which will help you find information about someone instantly. For example, you can get started with Facebook, one of the largest social media platforms available.

However, back in the days, we have seen the #DeleteFacebook movement, so you may not find details available. But similarly, you can also try other platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Also, do not forget to check out LinkedIn. If the person you are looking for is a job personal, there is a high chance that you will find info about him or her on LinkedIn. So go ahead and check every possible social media website you can.

White pages

You can also check out White pages. With this website’s help, you will easily find out about people, their contact information, and background checks pretty easily.

As well as the website comes with lots of features. Like, you will perform people search, reverse search, reverse, and business address.

Also, getting started with the website is extremely easy and straightforward. All you have to do is enter the name of the person and their city, state, or Zip, and you are good to go.

However, the website is not entirely free. Of course, you can search for persons free of cost. But if you wish to get more information like contact details, criminal records, background info, and others, you will need to pay for the service. Luckily, the website has inexpensive pricing, which will go easy on your pocket.

Final Words

So those were the four ways to find info about a person. Each of these options has its pros and cons, and none of them guarantees you that you will get all the information. But still, they are worth giving a try. So go ahead and check them out. 

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4 ways to find info about a person?

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