Removal of MSI Installers and 3rd Party Logos

Java MSI Installers

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

As a few of ready noticed and contacted us about, you will have seen that we have today had to remove our MSI installers for products such as Java, Skype and Notepad++

This is because our hosting company has contacted us after they had received official complaints from lawyers demanding that we remove them from our site.

We have also been told to not use any of the Java logos in our posts.

Although we find this really petty, we have to respect their wishes, so today any offending content has now been removed.

We are a bit gutted about this as we have made the effort to put in the work so that mass installation of such products is made easier, however, as they provide a service where you have to pay them for such installers, we can see where they are coming from.

MSI Downloader Tool

We have recently released a new tool called MSI Downloader. This enables you to download a growing amount of MSI installers through the tool, straight to your desktop. These include Java, Adobe, Google, Notepad++, VLC Player and Microsoft MSI installers.

You can take a look at this new tool by clicking the button below, or download directly from our SourceForge project page.

Direct Download

SourceForge Download

Download MSI Installers / MSI Downloader Utility

Download MSI Installers / MSI Downloader Utility

Java MSI Installer

However, as far as we are aware, we can still offer guides on how to use installers and in the case of Java, how to extract the MSI installer from their offline installer.

The guide on how to get the Java MSI installer is available here.

We apologise for this situation but there really is nothing we can do about it apart from have a good moan!


If you have any questions or queries, please do feel free to leave us a message below or use any of our social media channels.

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Removal of MSI Installers and 3rd Party Logos

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One thought on “Removal of MSI Installers and 3rd Party Logos

  1. You guys are legend. Thank very much for assisting us until today. Greedy companies and I wish Java’s end wil be like Flash one day.

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