10 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

10 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

Estimated reading time: 19 minutes

Make Money Online

A simple statement and one that all these internet gurus will trick you into thinking is very simple – if you sign up for their online courses! – nope, this is the way THEY make money online!

Well, let’s be realistic shall we, the chances are you are not going to become an internet billionaire. Sorry, but it’s true, but what about top passive income strategies and different ways to make money online?

You can start to make some money, even if it’s just a little bonus each month, in a large range of online services these days. Even for the non-technical people out there, online stores are easy to set up with the introduction of sites and services like WooCommerce, Vinted, and Shopify. Any Shopify store contains numerous data, and the ability to carry out a shopify data export and analyze it opens new opportunities for business growth. We detail in this post a variety of ways that any normal blogger can make money online.


Google Adsense

Everyone will start with Adsense as its the most well known and simple to use. But is it the best?

It is very simple to signup for Google Adsense and then to setup on your website. If approved, you will immediately ad serving and you will start to earn from your website.

However, the rates are not great from Google Adsense and they are very twitchy in regards to banning you. Any sort of misuse on your website, or anything that Google feels is misuse and you are banned. That’s the end of that, you will never get on with them again.


  • Simple sign up
  • Very easy to setup n your website
  • Access directly to Google’s large ad serving


  • Can get banned easily
  • Low income rates
  • £60 limit to withdraw


Ezoic is a great platform that uses new AI technology for advertising. It automatically tried all sorts of different positions for their adverts and then start to serve them in the best locations based on your set preference for revenue or user experience.

Don’t expect immediate results, stick with it for at least 6-10 weeks to allow the system to understand your website, the layout of your website, the placeholders on your website and the way your visitors navigate around your website.

If you are a blogger, business or website owner, you may want to reconsider using ad platforms like Google Adsense and take up using Intelligent AI advertisement. Using Ezoic is free but can boost your income by 200%

We have been using it for over two years now and have made massive increases in our ad income. The good thing is with Ezoic is that the entire setup can be customized to how you want to have it setup. Only want a few ads to show to increase your user experience, or want to push out a few more for revenue growth? The options are all available to you.

Stop being restricted by what Google Adsense offers you – Ezoic is a Google Adsense partner so you get their ads, but as well as another 200+ partners – all bidding to get ads on your site meaning you make more money!

Not only do Ezoic serve ads for you, there is also the options for excellent page caching, new templates for your website, ananlytics and extra security.

This really isn’t a sales pitch, I don’t work for Ezoic but I have used them for around three years now and it is worth the try at the very least – plus its all free so why not!?

To sign up for Ezoic and give them a go, just click the banner below and click on the Start Free Trial button when you get to their website.

10 Easy Ways to Make Money Online 1

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another age-old way of many money on the internet. Some people have made millions on the internet using affiliate marketing – however, I have to admit, I’m not really a fan. We have tried affiliate marketing in the past, but due to the nature of our site, we don’t sell anything so trying to sell our visitors something doesn’t really sit well. We simply do not have the platform on our site to make money online with affiliate marketing.

However, if you have a blog where you get plenty of returning uses, or if you are an influencer and your visitors trust you or even if it is something else for you to sell, then there are endless sellers that will offer you the chance to affiliate market for them.

You should also look into services that everyone uses, just like the internet where you can compare broadband deals and save money – everyone has the internet these days so become an affiliate for a broadband provider.

I won’t go into a massive list of affiliate marketers – just go to Google and search for affiliate marketing – but these are some of the ones that we have had some success with in the past:

CD keys

CD Keys are an online entertainment seller. Basically, they sell CD keys for software, games and memberships for things like Xbox Live and Playstation memberships – all at a much-reduced price.

I’m no longer an affiliate for CD-Keys but if you go to their website, at the bottom of the screen you will see an affiliate link to register and signup.



You can also become an affiliate for Ezoic. If you sign up to an Ezoic account by clicking on the banner below, you can then no only use their system for your own adverts if you want, but you can also become an affiliate for them. Just click below to proceed:

A Google Certified Publishing Partner. Learn more about Ezoic here.


Amazon is probably the most popular shopping site in the world right now so there are obvious reasons to sign up to be an affiliate for Amazon. You can sign up to become an Amazon affiliate using the link below:


Web Hosting

There are billions of websites out there which means that there is strong competition for web hosts to get your business. We had been with TSO host for a number of years and to begin with they were great. However they got sold off and the customer service deteriated very quickly to the point where we moved host.

We signed up with SnappyHost and they have been absolutely brilliant. Not only has their customer service and onboarding been absolutely first class, but their costs are much lower than most hosts and server speed is great. The also use Google Cloud Platform from just £2.99 a month.

They also offer an afiliate program where you can sell on their services, just click the image below to sign up:

Make Money Online



If you want to try and save money, then there is a well known browser extension called Honey. You simply install the browser extension and when you get to any online store checkout, it will automatically search for coupons for that site that you can use.

You can get the browser extension for free and sign up using your Twitter, Google, Facebook or email account.

Just click this link to sign up and install.

Blog Posts

Sponsored Posts

If you have an established blog then you may start to get emails from SEO companies wanting to post on your website to advertise their clients articles or products.

This is fine but you need to be careful and ensure that any articles are in line with the niche of your site. Also beware of the Asian SEO companies. They hound us constantly and have offered to pay us as low as $2 to post on our site. No matter what you would like to charge, they will keep emailing you giving you a sob story about their low budget.

The truth is that their articles are poor quality and they have plenty of budget to work with – so don’t fall their low budget rubbish. Also ensure that you carefully review any sponsored posts and that you are happy to post it on your site.

Something you should also keep in mind is don’t post on your website that you allow sponsored posts or add your fees as this will put off potential customers. If your blog is good enough, they will come to you.


Following on from the above, you can actively search out and sign up for sponsored posts as there are websites out there that you can sign up with and they will find clients for you.

One of these that is pretty good is called FlyOut.io. They allow you to setup all your rules and costs for sponsored posts and then they go and find clients for you. Again, this is a free service.

To check them out, just click the link below:


Ad Space

Custom Advertising

Once you do have an established website, then your webspace will become more valuable. This means that you can sell areas of your website for advertisement banners. You would set the prices yourself and can agree the terms and conditions with any clients that you might get.

Social Media


As most of you probably know already, Social Media Influencers have appeared from nowhere to now being everywhere and they really are in a position to make money online!

Anyone can now become Instagram or TikTok famous, get a load of followers and then companies will start to pay you a small fortune to advertise their products.

Sounds simple, but when you think about how many social media accounts there are out there, there is probably less than 1% that can actually make a living from it.

However, it is possible, so try and build up your social media following and maybe you or your brand can become internet famous!

Product Reviews

There are also websites out there where you can sign up and apply for reviewing products on your website. There are two that we have used before, however it is pretty difficult to get accepted.


We have found Tomoson the best place to look for things to review. They have an absolutely huge range of things that you can review depending on your niche.

You simply pick a product and apply to review it. If you get it, not only do you get paid to review it but in most cases, you get to keep the product as well, so you can keep it or sell it on – just another way to make money online!

Sign up at https://www.tomoson.com


Dealspotr are another online review platform but we have not had much success on this platform. Most of the campaigns on there seem to want Social Media influencers, so if you have good social media stats, it is definitely worth taking a look.

However, they also have a section for coupons and codes. So you can get coupons for yourself to save money, but you can also post your own to earn money.

Just head over to https://dealspotr.com to take a look for yourself.

Professional Services


Fiverr is probably very well known now as they advertise a lot – in the UK anyway! So Fiverr is a platform where individuals sell their own skills.

You can advertise yourself on Fiverr or look for Gigs to complete that offer are advertising.

These can range from web design to creating videos for events. Everything is covered so if you have a skill, go and check out Fiverr.

Internet Sharing

There are a lot of internet sharing applications out there that you can use when your internet is dormant to generate revenue. You have probably heard of BitCoin and BitCoin mining, well this is similar to that.

What they basically do is use your internet to distribute data around the world. Fairly simple if you are happy for someone else to use your internet connection. You then generate credit which you can withdraw into services like PayPal or Payoneer, once you have earned enough. It is usually a slow method to make money online, but especially if you have a spare PC or laptop to run these on, you just leave them on whilst they make money online for you!

Top Tip: Don’t do this if you are on a limited bandwidth connection or else all your internet usage for the month will be used up before you can use it! If you have an unlimited internet package, you should be good to go.

Honey Gain

One of the very easiest data farming services to use is Honey Gain. There is a very basic signup process, you then download a very tiny utility and run it on a computer connected to the internet connection that you are willing to use.

Data Utility

The utility sits in the Windows tray quiet gathering data and turning it into credits for you:

Honey Gain Utility Running in Windows
Honey Gain Utility Running in Windows


Whilst the utility is running, you can keep an eye on your incoming credit by logging into the Honey Gain Dashboard:

Honey Gain Credit Dashboard
Honey Gain Credit Dashboard

This part shows you how much credit you have gained today, your total credit and how much more credit you need to be able to withdraw to make money online.

Tis part shows you the number of devices you have that are collecting credit for you:

Honey Gain Devices
Honey Gain Devices

There are also options then for transactions, referrals and a data collection graph.

The service allows you to run up to three devices per internet connection. This means that if you have any spare devices, you can have them sat there also collecting credit for you!

Even better is that Honey Gain will also run on Windows, iOS and Android devices. But like I stated earlier – be careful not to use all your mobile data on this!

You are not going to make huge amounts of money using this system, but it is free money, so get setup what devices you can, if you don’t want to use your internet connection in the day for this, just run it overnight. Then you are literary making money in your sleep!

Get $5 completely free immediately just by using our sign up link below…


You have all probably heard of BitCoin. Well it is the crypto currency of choice for most people and easily the most popular and most recognised in the world, although its legal status is still debated.

A lot of people have made a lot of money from BitCoin. As its popularity boomed, so did it’s share price and those who were clever enough to have even the smallest amount of BitCoin are all now millionaires.

But how can you get your hands on some Bitcoin and try and make some easy money?


Well, the answer could be Honeyminer. It is a very simple platform to use and avoids any of the mistaken preconceptions that mining for Bitcoin is pointless and difficult.

When you go to their website, you download a small utility that you can install on the computer that you want to use for this process. Once it is installed, you sign up via the utility by simply entering your email address and a password and clicking Sign Up – that’s it, it really is that simple.

Once you have signed up the utility will greet you with a bonus 1000 points straight away as congratulations for becoming a cryptocurrency miner! Now it’s time to make money online!

Honeyminer Utility Welcome
Honeyminer Utility Welcome

Once you click the Thanks button, that credit will be immediately added to your account. You will then also be presented with the Honeyminer utility but with a bunch of bubbles explaining to you what everything does:

Honeyminer Utility Walkthrough
Honeyminer Utility Walkthrough

As soon as you click Got It on any of the buttons, that is it – you are now cryptomining!

Again there are many settings in the back end where you can make it only work when idle, only use CPU or GPU or both at the same time. But get your settings how you want them and then just leave it alone to start making you money!

Just a few things to note if you are going to use Honeyminer. The withdrawn amount is only available to a BitCoin Wallet, but it is very simple to download a BitCoin Wallet app for your phone or a utility for your computer. Just go to the official BitCoin website and it will step you through how to set up a BitCoin Wallet.

You should also ensure that your graphics card drivers are all fully to update to allow Honeyminer to use your GPU (if you wish to use your GPU). If you have any problems with getting your GPU to work with Honeyminer, add exceptions in your Anti-Virus for the installation folder.

Other Services

There are plenty of other services out there as well that can help you get along on social media platforms. Although you will not be making money from any of these services, they can help boost your Social Media channels which in turn will give your website more credibility and visitors.


YTMonster (which basically means YouTube Monster) is a social media platform that others its users a two-way sharing scheme. What this means is, you watch my video, I’ll watch yours, getting you more views on your selected YouTube video.

However, they do not just stop there, they also offer Likes, Subscriptions and Comments on your YouTube video.

Earning Credits

To start with, you need to build up a pot of credits. You cannot just sign up and start getting free views! But, all it takes is a few clicks and you are away. The easiest option I have found to use is the views one to build up my credits. If you are using Firefox, it will automatically run in that browser, you don’t need to do anything, just allow your browser to view the videos.

YTMonster Earn Credits
YTMonster Earn Credits

They also have their own mini-browser utility that you can download, run, log in with your own YTMonster account and click Start – then just leave it to automatically run earning you credits!

YTMonster YouTube Viewer
YTMonster YouTube Viewer

You can run it overnight and when you check your credits in the morning, you will have more than enough to start setting up your own Campaigns to get your own videos boosted!

Spending Credits

Once you have some credits to spend, you can setup various campaigns for views, likes, comments and subscriptions. You can choose how many of your credits you want to spend on each part and set limits.

When you enter the amount of credits you want to spend, the website will calculate that for you and show you what you will get for your money!


AddMeFast is another social media based platform where you can earn credits to spend on your own social media boosting.

Whereas YTMonster concentrates on just YouTube, AddMeFast covers virtually every single social media channel in the world, including the Russian social media channels of VK.com and OK.ru.

Earning Points

The idea behind the platform is that you take one of the options on the left side panel of the site and start to gather points. So, as an example, you can see just from the screenshot below that there are a lot of options to use.

Note: You are not restricted to using just one option to gather credits, you can use all of them.

AddMeFast Main PageAddMeFast Main Page
AddMeFast Main Page

For the purposes of this post, we will just go ahead and use the Twitter Likes option to start collecting our credits.

Top Tip: Ensure that you are logged into the social media platform you want to use before starting the point collection process.

So you would go ahead and click on the left side panel of the option you want to use to generate your points. This, in turn, will show you how many points you will get for this like, the platform and the Like button itself. Note that if you do not want to like this particular item, you can click the Skip link:

10 Easy Ways to Make Money Online 2
AddMeFast Twitter Like

When you click the Like button, a Twitter popup will appear and you should go ahead and click the Like for the post displayed. Then close the popup and when you return to the AddMeFast page, you will have gathered the points for that Like.

This is pretty much the same for all the other social media platforms that AddMeFast has available on their website.

Spending Points

So you have spent ages gathering a load of points and you are ready to spend. You can spend your points on exactly the same social media platforms as there are to gather points.

All you need to do is to click on the big green button AddSite/Page at the top left of the site:

AddMeFast Add Site Button
AddMeFast Add Site Button

This will then allow you to select which social media platform you want to work with and then enter the details of your website, social media details or page information.

You can set how many points you want to give away for each completed add. Click Save Changes and job done!

AddMeFast Social Media Setup
AddMeFast Social Media Setup

Gener8 Ads

Gener8 is fairly new to the market and offers something no other platform really does. The way it works is that you install a free browser extension and then as you browse the internet, it turns sites ads into its own ad placeholders.

The more you browse, the more points to you get. You can then spend those points in the Gener8 marketplace.

It really is a cracking idea and works well, you don’t even notice that it is there as you browse as normal.

To sign up is absolutely free as well, just use the link below, sign up and away you go!



There are many ways to make money on the internet, I mean we haven’t even gone near selling products on the internet in this post. But if you want to make some extra pocket money rather than becoming a billionaire overnight, then these options that we have provided in this post should go some way to helping you out!

If you do have any success from any of these platforms, we would love to hear from you so please come back and leave us a message in the comments section below. Good luck!

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10 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

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