Windows Update Causes ActiveX/VBScript to stop working in Excel – KB2553154

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

So Microsoft have done it again! They have released a “critical” update that has broken everyone’s Excel!

We have had a large number of issues today in relation to VBScripting in Excel and it happened at 10am – the exact time our WSUS updates are collected by end users machines.

So, having spent most of the day searching for the culprit, we found that the update causing the issue is this one:


So, what can you do to fix it?

The simple solution is that you have to uninstall it, but you should also ensure that you have declined it in your WSUS or SCCM or other popular Windows Update system and if you are using SCCM, you could create a task sequence to remove it en masse.

If you need to know the command line for removing this update, you should try this:

C:WindowsSystem32wusa.exe /uninstall /kb2553154 /quiet /norestart

Note that if the above command line does not work (usually if you are using a SCCM Task Sequence) then you should use the uninstall string as per below:

msiexec.exe /package {90140000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE} MSIPATCHREMOVE={D0D69BA5-4BD9-439E-804F-07DC80CF5408} /qb /norestart /l+ c:windowsccmlogsKB2553154_rollback.txt

This will use the msiexec.exe uninstaller process for removing Office updates and then write the log file to your SCCM log local location on the end users machine.


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Windows Update Causes ActiveX/VBScript to stop working in Excel – KB2553154

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