Windows 10 Major Update – Threshold 2

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Today sees the release of “Threshold 2” – a major update for Windows 10. This update includes new features and upgrades to the operating system and also some display and theme changes that were originally planned for the first release.

This is the first major new feature update for the Windows operating system using its new model of delivering updates and features rather than the old method of service packs.

Some features included in the update are:

  • Tile limit updated from 512 to 2048
  • Upgrades to Cortana
  • Edge improvements including synchronisation between devices
  • New version of Skype, including full integration
  • Windows 10 Management Tools
  • Desktop theme enhancements

However, there is a bit of a downside if you have only recently updated to Windows 10. If you have updated within the last 31 days then you cannot automatically update through Windows Updates due to the operating system roll back feature.

Can you force the update?

Yes you can! Very long winded though, you can go to the link below:

Windows 10 Update

Then click on the Upgrade Now button and run through the entire upgrade process – or you could wait until after 31 days and run Windows Update!


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Windows 10 Major Update – Threshold 2

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