Windows 10 Desktop Wallpapers

With the recent release of the October 2020 update plus the sixth anniversary of Windows Insider, Microsoft have also released two new desktop wallpapers. The dark and light themed desktop wallpapers take us back to previous versions of Windows with the older logos forming the central part of both.

Desktop Wallpapers

Take a look at both of the desktop wallpapers below using our slider so you can choose which one you prefer.

New Windows 10 Desktop Wallpapers 1New Windows 10 Desktop Wallpapers 2
Dark and Light Windows 10 Desktop Wallpapers


You can download the Windows 10 Desktop Wallpapers pack by clicking the download button below:


We would love to hear your feedback on these new desktop wallpapers from Microsoft, so please feel free to leave us a message in the comments section below. Upgrade to Windows 10 for FREE to enjoy new wallpapers.

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Andrew Armstrong

Founder of TechyGeeksHome and Head Editor for over 15 years! IT expert in multiple areas for over 26 years. Sharing experience and knowledge whenever possible! Making IT Happen.

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