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Our iPhones can be a distraction from living authentically and acting efficiently in everyday life. However, there are ways we can use our smartphones intelligently to stay connected and stay on top of things. From choosing a sustainable phone case for your phone to stay focused to understanding different focus modes, keep reading to find out some creative ways that focus mode for iOS 15 can help you stay organized.
The Focused Mindset
The iPhones that are compatible with iOS 15 are currently iPhones 6 through the latest iPhone 13. Before you play around with the software, make sure your iPhone 12 or iPhone 13 is protected with a phone case. One that is too flashy with too many features like lights or a chargeable case might be one more thing on your to-do list. Stay focused by using a minimalist iPhone 12 case in black. Or get an iPhone 13 case in a relaxing pattern.
How to Set Up Focus Mode
To set up Focus mode, go to your Settings and then select Focus. You can select different Focus modes, including Do Not Disturb, Driving, Personal, Sleep and Work. From there, you can choose people you want to receive notifications from, if any, during that specific Focus mode. You can choose whether you want to receive calls or not when you’re focused.
- Focus Mode for Different Occasions — Especially if you’re working from home, the lines between personal and work can blur with Focus mode. If you need some ideas on other ways you can use Focus mode, think of different occasions throughout your week. Perhaps you have a weekly family movie night. Set up your phone so that you’ll only get an emergency phone call from your loved ones that comes through at that time. If you’re going on a run, set up your phone so that you have calls or texts come through from people you want to hear from but not those pesky robocalls.
- Use the Easy Access Drop Down Menu — Here’s another tip: You can access Focus mode any time by pulling down the Control Center from the top right of your iPhone screen. You can edit all of your unique Focus modes, from fitness to mindfulness.
- Allowing Notifications and Apps — Decide whether you want apps to send you notifications or if you only want apps to send time-sensitive notifications. Even then, you can pick and choose which apps you want notifications from. For example, you might want a time-sensitive notification that your Uber is coming to pick you up in three minutes, but you don’t need to see that your ex-BFF from high school just liked your Instagram photo.

- Turn on Mindfulness — According to research from the American Psychological Association, mindfulness is beneficial for a wide array of both physical and mental health benefits, including stress reduction and boosting focus. We could all use a daily mindfulness practice — even if it’s only for a few minutes a day. Use Focus mode to help you set aside time to meditate or simply close your eyes and breathe for five minutes.
- Focus on Fitness — When you’re working out, you want to stay in the zone. You don’t want to be pumping iron at the gym only to see that email from your coworker come through. Don’t get distracted by notifications or apps that don’t add to your workout. You can customize your fitness Focus mode to turn on as soon as you get to the gym.
- For All the Writers — You can create custom categories for your Focus modes other than the ones that Apple already has available. Let’s say you’re a writer or you write a lot of emails during the day. Stay focused when you’re in writing mode by only turning on notifications for your timer to remind you to set a certain amount of time for a certain task. Only turn on notifications for your phone for deadlines on your calendar.
- Book Lovers — If you love reading on your phone, whether that’s the latest New York Times bestseller or your favorite subreddit, set up a reading Focus mode on your iPhone. You’ll only get notifications from your book app or whatever media app you’re currently using for reading. Dive into your guilty pleasure without all the distractions.

- It’s Sleepy Time — No one wants to go to sleep at night and be interrupted by a spam call in the middle of the night. Set up your sleep Focus mode. You can have it turned on at the same time every night when you go to bed. You don’t even have to have it turned back on first thing when you wake up in the morning. If you want to give yourself time in the morning to do your morning routine before you check your emails, give yourself that time and space.
- Automatic Activation — Last, but certainly not least, if you have multiple Apple devices like an iPad and Apple Watch, you can share your Focus settings across your devices. Whenever you want to begin a Mindfulness meditation on your Apple Watch, you can set up your Focus mode to automatically do so for you.
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