Virus Alert – Clare Harding – – Carters Packaging Ltd

Computer Virus Removal 600x315
Computer Virus Removal 600x315

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

You may have been receiving a huge amount of email spam this morning from Clare Harding at Carters Packaging Ltd with an invoice attachment called Purchase Order 0000035394.doc

Well, this is a virus and seems to be spreading around the internet like wild fire at the moment, so blacklist this email address:


Obviously this is an impersonation attack and has not originated from Carters Packaging Ltd.

You should fully virus scan your machines using whichever anti-virus you have. In some cases, you may have to rebuild computers as this seems to run as a process.

The subject of the email will be similar to this:

Purchase Order 0000035394 customer 09221

A little more information on this virus attack

Rumoured download locations are:


It also looks like it stores its executable file in the %temp% directory with a filename of httsser.exe

It could be generating traffic to this IP below so worth blocking that on your systems too:


If you have been affected by this in anyway, we would like to hear from you so leave us a message below using our comments system.

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About Andrew Armstrong

Founder of TechyGeeksHome and Head Editor for over 15 years! IT expert in multiple areas for over 26 years. Sharing experience and knowledge whenever possible! Making IT Happen.

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