The Tech stocks that could skyrocket if Biden’s infrastructure bill passes

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

There is absolutely no doubt that President Biden’s infrastructure plan has been the talk of Washington of late, with an estimated $2 Trillion having been set aside to improve everything from transportation and highways to social care, it is the biggest infrastructure package the USA has ever seen.

While the rollout of Biden’s infrastructure plan is thought to have caused some initial dollar volatility, it’s likely to have a largely positive impact on the stock market and various equities within the confines of the United States.

In this post, we’ll look at some of the stocks that are mostly to skyrocket when Biden’s infrastructure bill is officially passed, and explore the reasons why tech is likely to make up most of those.

QuantumScape (QS)

Part of Biden’s plan is focused on clean energy and the sustained rollout of electric vehicles, with more than 500 independent charging stations expected to be installed in the near-term.

While this will undoubtedly benefit brands such as Tesla, less renowned equities like QuantumScape (QS) are also poised to prosper over time.

This company manufactures and distributes solid-state lithium-metal batteries, which have been specifically designed for use in various electric vehicles. The emergence of companies like Quantumscape help vehicle manufactures tackle challenges often associated with electric vehicles; such as the distance their cars can travel without having to be charged up.

Although this stock recently endured a sharp drop after growing from an initial price of $10 to a peak of $140, it is currently arguably undervalued and could be poised for another pronounced rise as Biden’s plan is put into action. Is now the time to buy?

Tesla (TSLA)

This brings us neatly onto Tesla (TSLA), which leads the market for the design, development and production of electric vehicles across the globe.

While some will note that Tesla has seens it share value decline from a peak of $883.09 on January 26th to $629.04 on May 11th, the latter value remains considerably higher than the price of $330.21 recorded at the beginning of September, 2020.

As we can see, this highlight sustained growth of nearly 200% in barely six months, during which time Elon Musk actually became the single richest man on the planet.

Clearly, there’s still scope for Tesla to scale further and grow as Biden’s infrastructure plan is implemented, so now may be the ideal time to buy in and access this high-value stock.

ChargePoint (CHPT)

On a similar note, the so-called ChargePoint (CHPT) stock is poised for sustained growth through 2021, with this company likely to play a major role in delivering on Biden’s promise of creating a networked electric vehicle charging system throughout the US.

This is central to the Biden administration’s clean energy plan, with ChargePoint’s existing infrastructure and cloud-based technologies helping EV users to locate, reserve and engage the growing number of charging points nationwide.

So, as Biden’s 500 new charge points are installed across the country, companies such as ChargePoint will make these visible to users while helping to reduce the traditional barriers to entry associated with the electric vehicle market.

Make no mistake; this stock may be highly undervalued given its potential near-term growth, so it definitely offers investors huge promise over the coming weeks, months and even years.

Last but by certainly no means least is Founded by Tom Siebel, is an enterprise artificial intelligence platform which provides innovative applications for a wide range of commercial challenges such as energy management, fraud detection, inventory optimisation and predictive CRM. is tailored to meet the needs of multinational organisations which allows them to develop industry-scale AI in both private and public sectors.

Although the current share price of is showing a downward trend from its peak of $190, it could be an ideal time to buy and get a stock which is considered by many as under-valued.

The future looks to be a digital and sustainable one so when looking to invest, it is important that you consider companies that fit into those categories.


The aforementioned stocks operate from the USA, and with Biden’s proposed infrastructure plan, the country stands at a great infliction point with the opportunity to take charge of the 21st century.

This would significantly improve their economy and the demand for their exports, dramatically increasing the demand for the dollar. Here, the potential benefits go beyond the stock market and could indicate that for those trading in forex, the dollar might be the way to go.

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The Tech stocks that could skyrocket if Biden’s infrastructure bill passes

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