TechyGeeksHome – Smart Phone, Windows 10 & Tablet App


Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

We are currently considering launching an app for smart phones, Windows 10 and tablets for our website. The idea is that you could use the app to access all the content on the blog alongside immediate access to our YouTube channel, Facebook page and Twitter amongst some other features.

Obviously it would take a responsible amount of work to get this up and running so we do not want to rush into anything, so we are looking for your feedback.

Is an app something that you would use or find helpful? or is it just a waste of time and easily to just visit us via the website?

Please feel free to leave us your thoughts on this either through our comments comments below or any of our social media channels.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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TechyGeeksHome – Smart Phone, Windows 10 & Tablet App

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