Social Media

Which Social Media Platforms Should You Be On As An Influencer?

Which Social Media Platforms Should You Be On As An Influencer?

If you’re embarking on a career as a social media influencer, then you’ll know there’s a lot to remember. You need to keep your personal brand in the back of your mind at all times, constantly keep up a posting schedule, and regularly be networking with other influencers as well. With all that in mind, […]

Important WhatsApp Safety Features That You Should Know

Important WhatsApp Safety Features That You Should Know

Over the years, WhatsApp has become one of the top-rated platforms for messaging in the world. At present, it has over 2 billion users, which makes this Facebook-owned messaging giant, one of the largest ever application for instant messaging. It is for this very reason that WhatsApp keeps updating and adding new features for both […]

Wondering How to Make Money From Those Many Whatsapp Groups? Learn From My Journey

Wondering How to Make Money From Those Many Whatsapp Groups? Learn From My Journey

The market for apparels grew at a CAGR of 13.8% in FY18. Data also indicates that the shopper spends on garments in India has grown by almost three times over the last decade. Several reasons have led to this – such as higher disposable incomes, urbanisation and greater access to branded clothing in non-metro cities.  Speaking […]

Top 5 True Crime Podcasts Of 2020 You Shouldn’t Miss

Top 5 True Crime Podcasts Of 2020 You Shouldn’t Miss

Podcasts are, hands-down, the best entertainment channels for those with diverse tastes. There is always a little something for everyone. For instance, Hollywood-lovers can get their fix through Gilbert Gottfried Podcast. On the other hand, conspiracy theorists can absorb every word of Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know. However, true crime remains the most […]

iMacros AMF VK Pages Follow Script

iMacros AMF VK Pages Follow Script

Introduction As previously stated in some of our other guides for iMacro scripts, we are glad to now offer you this fully working iMacro script to use for Twitter likes for AddMeFast free points. If you use then you would probably like an up to date iMacro script to automate the gathering of free […]

How To Choose From Hundreds Of Facebook Video Ad Templates?

How To Choose From Hundreds Of Facebook Video Ad Templates?

Facebook receives 8 billion video views every day, and their research shows that individuals engage five times longer with video content than they do with static content. In addition, 30 per cent of mobile customers state that video is the best means to discover new products. Using facebook video ads can thus be a great medium for […]

5 Pitfalls of Influencer Marketing: What to Think about Before Setting It Up?

5 Pitfalls of Influencer Marketing: What to Think about Before Setting It Up?

Nowadays, advertising is everywhere. Here and there you can see famous stars taking part in photo shootings for well-known brands of luxury clothes or perfumes. Their Instagram accounts also remind marketing place more than the diary of their lives.  Have you ever thought about running an influencer marketing campaign? Still have doubts  about its quality […]

iMacros AMF Twitter Like Script

iMacros AMF Twitter Like Script

Introduction As previously stated in some of our other guides for iMacro scripts, we are glad to now offer you this fully working iMacro script to use for Twitter likes for AddMeFast free points. If you use then you would probably like an up to date iMacro script to automate the gathering of free […]

Here’s How Smart Marketers Automate Instagram

Here’s How Smart Marketers Automate Instagram

There’s no denying that social media is the latest and greatest frontier for marketers. For a long while, the internet was like the wild west, with marketing teams fighting to be the first to discover the secret formula to capture the broader audience. Thankfully, we’re long past that chaotic era; best practices for social media […]

Setting a Budget and Finding Funds for Your Next Social Media Marketing Campaign

Setting a Budget and Finding Funds for Your Next Social Media Marketing Campaign

Creating a social media marketing budget requires at least a bit of planning, strategy and guidance, irrespective of how small the project might seem at that moment. It’s not always easy to find the budget necessary for funding a campaign that your business needs either. We are going to touch on a few helpful pointers […]

Five Digital Skills Students need for the Future

Five Digital Skills Students need for the Future

Digital skills are an absolute necessity to navigate both the world of today and the world of the future. No one could have predicted our lifestyles today only 50 years ago, except maybe science fiction writers. Who could have known that hand-held devices would be so prevalent and important that they would essentially be extensions […]

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