Support Forums Officially Open!

TGH Word Cloud

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We are pleased to announce the official launch of our support forums.

They will be primarily used for our products that we create if you find any bugs or would like to request any additions in future releases, but we will also be using the system for general chat and a range of support requests.

So if you have any issues that you would like us to help you with or have other forum members help you with, you should visit the forums, sign up and add a post.

You can also post your own guides in there and if they are any good, we will add them to the main site and of course credit you for your work.

Due to the huge amount of spam that we get, we have had to set up the forums so that you have to register and then confirm your email address – we know, we hate that too but it stops the spambots from battering the forums with junk posts.

You can enter the support forums by clicking on the Support Forums button on the top menu bar or using the link below:

TechyGeeksHome Support Forums

We look forward to chatting with you in the forums!

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Support Forums Officially Open!

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