Strategies To Improve Your Video Game UI/UX

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UX and UI are related and related terms, but not the same. There is a fundamental difference between them. The site is designed based on user needs and test results.

UX is not limited only to the visual interface of the site, it covers all possible nuances of communication with the user.

In fact ui game design is the design of buttons, input fields, application forms – all points of user interaction with the site.

UX is a process and UI is a tool. UX is broader than UI and includes this concept. But they have one goal – to make the user’s interaction with the site convenient, enjoyable and memorable. An example of good UX is Google, it has a simple interface and nothing superfluous: just a logo, a search bar and a few buttons.

Enter anything in the search box and you get the information you need in a second. This is a positive user experience.

Strategies To Improve Your Video Game UI/UX 1

It’s great when UX helps create a visual story that leads the user along. This visual storytelling with an introduction, main part and conclusion was made by Upstream on the main page of the site.

Users can scroll to the main part of the story, but all three are briefly presented on the first screen. The visuals and text tell you why you need to help people and the Upstream company. The call-to-action narration ends with the Submit button. UX here leads the user through the story and leads to a logical action: asks to join the program.


In usability, both UX and UI are equally important, which use a wide arsenal of tools to achieve the desired result.

In UX, analytics and prototypes determine everything, and in UI, the basic rules of usability and UX. In analytics and data collection, UX is similar to DDD.

The UX / UI craze has spawned several trends that affect both design and designers:

Simplification of the visual part of the interfaces as in portfolio. The designer no longer needs to spend time drawing a raised button and looking for well-readable images. The modern user easily understands the conventions. It is no longer necessary to explain that a colored rectangle is a button, and three horizontal stripes are a menu.

The complication of design itself as a discipline. The interfaces have become simpler, but the design itself has become more complex and layered. Now sites are complex systems with many different elements: application forms, personal account, subscriptions and online consultants. It is necessary to clearly think over the user’s path on the site so that he does not get lost, quickly finds the necessary sections, and, ideally, performs targeted actions.

An example of good UX. The picture shows what data needs to be entered and how it will look. Enter the data, click on a single button and go to the next step.

The emergence of the UX / UI designer profession. The market was flooded with assorted narrow specialists with a UX / UI prefix. A cool UX / UI designer sees all sides of the process and knows how to do both analytics and design well. But in reality, everyone who has heard a lot about these terms and has at least a little dealt with sites tends to call themselves UX / UI.

The emergence of many specialized web design tools: Sketch, Figma, Readymag, Framer and others. This made it easier and faster for designers to work.

Strategies To Improve Your Video Game UI/UX 2


Web design has come a long way of formation and development, and as a result, it was reborn into UX / UI. Now it is the only form of existence of sites, the basic principles of which are based on the needs of users and usability.

With the advent of UX / UI, the job of a designer hasn’t become easier. Only the outer side has been simplified. Inside, everything is much more complicated. UX / UI have introduced a number of standards and methodologies that can and should be adopted when working on projects.

Now it’s not enough just to work in Photoshop and be able to draw layouts. A strong designer understands people’s needs and makes user-friendly interfaces.

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Strategies To Improve Your Video Game UI/UX

One thought on “Strategies To Improve Your Video Game UI/UX

  1. You shared the exact definition of UI and UX a user interface is important for every web, app, or game. A simple UX attracts more. We also create UI/UX for our clients check out all design portfolio pages.

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