Samsung Kies – Silent Automated Installation Process


Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

With Samsung taking over a large proportion of the business mobile sector, there is a bigger need for IT techs to be able to push out software like Samsung Kies.

This has happened to a client of ours recently and they wanted to put Samsung Kies into their Configuration Manager Software Catalog. This is a pretty simple task to carry out, but you must use the correct parameters and installation files to enable it to work correctly.

First of all, you need to download the Samsung Kies self extracting installation file from their website, you can get this by clicking on the link below:

Samsung Kies Software Download

Once you have this file, you need to ensure that you use the exact installation command line as per below, nothing the caps and where the spaces are and where they are not – this is not a typo!:

Kies3Setup.exe /S /v/qn

If you use this installation command line with a system like Configuration Manager, you can allow the silent, automatic and successful installation of Samsung Kies.


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Samsung Kies – Silent Automated Installation Process

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