Re-enable NPAPI in Google Chrome


Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

You may have recently noticed that if you are a Google Chrome user – your plugins have started to not work in certain situations. This can be for flash, silverlight or shockwave amongst others. This is the start of the end for NPAPI.

Well, there is a reason for this….

On the Chromium blog there has been an announcement that Google things we do not require such things so have started to stop them from working, but do not fear as there is a way around it.

If you want to re-enable your own plugins, you should take a good read of the blog update below:

The Final Countdown for NPAPI

This basically means that if you go to the following URL in your Google Chrome browser, you can re-enable the NPAPI settings:


Re-enable NPAPI in Google Chrome 1

However, this will only be available until September 2015 and then NPAPI will be dead forever.


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Re-enable NPAPI in Google Chrome

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